I've been around for quite a while but never got round to introducing myself until now that SGC is coming to a close. I don't think I quite knew how to start, but here I am just letting it flow. I hope it's coherent at this point XD
When it comes to talking about myself, there's not much I know to say. I love reading. I love crafting and making and I have a list of hobbies that goes on for oodles. I am a HSP, INFP and empath. I have 2 adorable rabbits that give me a run for my money most days. My friends usually call me a Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw and I love finding beauty in simple things.
I've been and done many things in this club: admin, writer, publicist, confidante, graphic designer, cover designer, helped host the Instagram and website and have been head admin for a while now. SGC has forever taken a place in my heart and I am so grateful I was able to do so much because of this club. I'm grateful for the people I have met and helped and those who I still keep in contact with today.
Of course, special mentions for Summer and Rylee; you've done so much and helped me when I was first starting out and I will never forget that. You'll remain with me throughout my life ♡♡♡
I have a large amount of respect for everyone who has contributed to SGC at any point, member or otherwise. And if there are any present admins at the time of writing this, thank you. And thank you to all of you have joined us but moved on in your lives. Those who are still here now are here because you helped keep SGC going.
I know this was supposed to be an introductory post, but as I've said, I don't know what to write about myself, but I hope this much will suffice (ok I admit, I wrote this before I started adding in rambles XD).
Thank you all for being here. Thank you all for supporting us from the very first day and for those who may have even just been here since yesterday. Every last one of you have made an impact on this club.
I hope that this club has touched you in the best way possible and that you will grow to be confident strong people in control of your lives- "There is only one you and that is a good thing".
Remember you are worth everything and only you can take hold of your life because it is yours to live to the fullest- "You make a life of what you have, not what you are missing" (Kate Morton). Keep going strong- well wishes and love for the future. Surround yourself with people who are good for your mental health, will help you achieve your goals and are only going to lift you higher. If they are trying to drag you down, they are already beneath you ♡♡♡
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" ~ Dr. Suess
Love, Star • @sparklestar25
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(I honestly wish I could post everything but it would take me hours and you'd have to scroll for hours too XD. A final thank you from me. Good luck, wherever you may go ♡♡♡)