Amplified anger and sadness cause I'ma stressed

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Chapter 72

Amplified anger and sadness cause I'ma stressed wastin' energy on enemies I never met 


Again, this chapter is not Felicity friendly. I am so sorry, this is not how I planned to handle her character, the original plan was to have her redeem herself and it is still the plan but I am honestly not sure how I can do this in a believable way given everything that she's done and Oliver and Sara have learnt. I'm not sure how they would get past such a breach of trust and enormous violation of their privacy. This is not going to turn into a Felicity bashing fic, by no means but I'm trying to stay true to the characters and given Oliver and Sara's trust issues I just don't see them getting past this any time soon or at all. And I find the thought that she had recorded them just atrocious. It is such a vile thing to do.



He wasn't sure he was ready to face Felicity. He wasn't sure if he was ready to face the implications that came with Felicity's actions. Oliver wasn't sure he was ready to face this betrayal. Honestly, he wasn't sure he wanted to know how she got recordings of Sara's voice and what else she might have gotten, even less the reasons behind it. Why would she do something like that? Why would she put them all in danger? It was such a colossal risk she took. Anyone could get those recordings and use them against them, from the cops to their enemies.

Was this why Prometheus always seemed to be a couple of steps ahead of them? How he knew what they were going to do? And if so, Sara and Mila were in danger for sure. He had talked about both of them to his team members while being in the Bunker, believing the space to be safe, something he had refrained from doing out in public. As far as the public was concerned, Sara wasn't even in Star City, sure she did leave the apartment from time to time, rarely but she did but they had yet to go anywhere together, besides the check-ups with Caitlin at Dr. Lockhart's office, but they usually got in the car in the underground car park at their home and out at the hospital, there was almost no chance for them to accidentally get spotted by paparazzi this way, other than that it had only been the Courthouse the day they got married and Patty Shack's right after. And that was on purpose and a deliberate choice they had made and were still making. It was difficult for him to go outside without anyone noticing, he was a prominent figure in Star City and very well known by most, he was still featured in gossip magazine on the regular, even though he hadn't done anything remotely interesting ever since coming back home, but they didn't care and made up their own stories. That was fine. They were so far off the truth it was laughable, but he welcomed their wild speculations, even the ones involving Felicity. It meant Sara and he had done their job and managed to hide Mila's existence from the public so far. He was hopeful they could keep it that way, at least until she was born, and if it were up to him even longer. The longer they could keep her out of the public's eye, the longer she was safe.

And yes, Sara was known to the gossip magazines too, had featured them regularly by his and Tommy's side during their teens, especially after she had featured in the video that had been used in his trial after he had hit that paparazzo, an action he still stood by to this day, the asshole had seriously insulted Sara and that had just pissed him off, but that had been years ago. As far as the public knew, Sara had left Star three years ago and yet to come back. And that was how they liked it and wanted to keep it for now. So even if she were outside by herself, or with her family, chances were slim that she'd be recognized. And even if they'd simply assume she were here to visit her family, and the pregnancy was completely unrelated to him and with that they'd leave her alone. Were she spotted at his side would be an entirely different story, though. No one in the public cared about Sara Lance, not as long as her name wasn't brought up in relation to his. And he didn't feel like having their entire life dragged through the mud and public yet again. He really wished people would just move past their affair and let the past be in the past and the story finally rest. He had enough current problems and there was no need to dredge the past back up yet again, especially simply for the sick entertainment of strangers who got off on judging people on events they knew nothing about.

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