{Chaennie} - treat her right (requested)

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"Are you sure you're both ready for this?" You asked Jennie and Rosie as you walked up the steps to your parent's home, where a huge family gathering was taking place.

You thought that they might feel a little nervous since this is such a huge occasion.

Considering the fact that this is the first time they'll be meeting not only your parents but other members of your family all at once, you thought that one of your girls, or both, would feel a little hesitant or anxious about this day.

But, to your surprise, they weren't feeling that way at all.

They felt excited to meet your family and your parents, knowing that they're all so imprtant to you.

"Very ready, my love," Jennie said, sending you and Rosie that precious smile of hers.

"Same here. It's going to be fun. I'm looking forward to it." Rosé said as she squeezed your hand comfortingly. "Let's go."

You nodded and Jennie used her free hand to open the door before you all stepped inside.

The sound of chatter and laughter filled your ears instantly.

It was loud but it was no surprise to the three of you as you knew that many members of your family would be here today.

You felt so excited the second you heard the sound of your mother's voice.

It's been so long since you've been home to see her so you pulled at your girlfriends' hands and quickly stepped into the kitchen, where many familiar faces greeted you, including your parents.

Just as happy and excited to see you, they both hurried over to you and took their turns pulling you in for big hugs.

"Hi, sweetie! I've missed you!" Your dad said.

"I've missed you too, dad. So much." You said as you hugged him tightly.

"Okay, okay, let her go. It's my turn to hug her!" Your mom said, making you and your dad laugh as you pulled away from him to hold onto your mom tightly.

Jennie and Rosie were watching from behind you, smiling over the sweet sight of you being so close to your parents.

They know how much your mom and dad mean to you and they know that your bond with them is unbreakable and they've been so excited to meet them.

"You look so pretty, honey," Your mom smiled. "So bright-eyed and happy."

You pulled away and looked back at Jennie and Rosie.

"Well, you can thank them for that. Because they're the reason why I'm so happy." You said and your mom and dad looked at each other before looking at Rosie and Jennie with big smiles.

"Of course! You must be Jennie," Your mom said as she pulled Jennie in for a hug.

"And you must be Rosie. Well, it is just so wonderful to meet you two. Y/N talks about you all the time!"

Your parents hugged them both and it brought you so much happiness to see.

For more reasons than one, reasons you haven't shared with your girlfriends yet, them meeting your parents is extremely important to you and you're happy that they're already getting along so well.

"Y/N, honey, can I pull you aside for a moment so we can go see your aunt? She just got here!" Your mom excitedly said.

"Sure. I'll be back, my loves." You said to your girls before walking into the other room with your mom, leaving your dad alone with your girlfriends.

"So, how are you girls tonight?"

"Great. Thank you for asking!" Jennie said as Rosie brushed her fingers along her back.

"Big night tonight." Your dad said, sipping on his drink.

"Yeah," Rosie said. "Don't worry, we're not nervous about it. We're excited to meet everyone!"

"I'm happy to hear that." Your dad said with a genuine smile on his face. "It makes me so happy to see Y/N bring back someone she loves or, rather, two someones."

Your girlfriends chuckled in response.

"It's been a while since she's done that. You girls seem to be amazing. I know she's smitten with you both. I like you both a lot more than I did her last relationship, which was her first one, techinically. God, I hated her boyfriend."

"What?" Jennie asked. "Her last boyfriend? She said she hasn't dated anyone."

"It doesn't surprise me that she told you that." Your dad said. "She doesn't like to talk about that guy."

"Why not?" Rosie asked and she saw the way your dad tightened his grip on his glass.

"He was awful to her. Treated her badly. Every couple has their bad days and their ups and downs but this guy took so much from my daughter. He treated her like she was dirt under his feet. He hurt her pretty badly."

"Hurt her? How?" Jennie asked with a sad tone of voice.

She and Rosie had a feeling that they already knew what he was going to say but they had to hear it from your father to know for certain.

"Mentally, emotionally," He paused and clenched his jaw in anger, muttering the last word that he seethed on his lips. "Physically."

"How long ago was that?"

"Almost two years. That's why her mom and I are so happy to meet you two. You've brought her so much joy and it's easy to see that you're the reason she believes in love again. That guy damaged her so much and took so much away from her. But that's changed since she's met you. She's happy and she likes you both a lot.'

"We like her too." Jennie smiled.

"So much."

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear." He said as a smile pulled at his lips. "I wasn't too sure how I felt when she told me she was in a relationship with not one but two people but I could that you both make her so happy. That's all I want for her. Especially after what she went through with that guy," He paused, sighing heavily. "Forget that jerk. You two are my daughter's whole world. You're part of the family now."

"Thank you!" Rosie grinned. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of her. Always."

"I know you will. Please treat her right. She deserves the world."

"She does and we'll make sure she always knows that," Jennie promised.

Your dad was about to speak when you returned to the room and to your girlfriends' sides.

"So? Did I miss anything?"

"No." Your dad said. "Just having a nice talk with your girls."

"About?" You asked as you looked between the three of them.

"Nothing," Rosie said as she looked at you and then at your dad, who nodded wordlessly at her before smiling as your girlfriends hugged you tightly.

"Just know that we'll always take care of you and you're always safe with us," Jennie promised as she kissed your head.

"And we're just as crazy about you as you are about us, darling." Rosie softly spoke. "Don't ever forget that you deserve the whole world."

You hugged them both tightly as they did the same, swearing to each other that they'd never treat you the way that your boyfriend had.

Later on, they'd tell you what your dad had told them.

But, for now, they just want you to know how much they adore you and how much they care for you.

Because your dad was right when he said that you deserve the world.

You truly do.

And your girls will always make sure that you never forget how beautiful and loved you are; not ever.

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