{ChaeLisa} - they snap at you - part two (requested)

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When you awoke the next morning, you found that your girlfriends weren't anywhere to be seen.

It wasn't as though you forgave them just because a new day had come but rather, you'd hoped that when you opened your eyes you'd see them standing there and you'd be met with apologies and sweet nothings.

But that wasn't the case.

You knew they were home because their cars were still in the driveway.

They must still be upstairs.

And after the way they treated you yesterday, you surely weren't about to go up to them.

Instead, you decided to go and get some air.

You didn't leave a note or send them a text as to where you were going because, truly, you didn't know.

All you knew was that you needed some time and space to think.

So you slipped on your shoes and grabbed your keys before walking out the door and getting into your car.

It was about fifteen minutes later when your girlfriends awoke.

They got out of bed to go downstairs and get some breakfast and that's when they noticed your absence.

"Where's Y/N?" Rosie asked as she sat at the counter, scrolling through her phone.

"No idea. I don't think she had work today."

"I wonder where she could've gone," Rosie said as she looked around, only to shrug her shoulders as she figured that you must've just gone out for something.

She and Lisa made some breakfast before sitting down to eat together.

Halfway through, Rosie's phone rang.

"Who is it?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know," Rosé replied as she answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello? Is this Rosie?"


"I'm calling from the hospital. Your number was your girlfriend's emergency contact. I'm afraid she's been in an accident."

Rosie's heart dropped and Lisa could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.

"What? What is it?" Lisa asked.

"Okay, what hospital?" Rosie asked and after getting the name, she ended the call. "We'll be right there!"

"What happened?"

"Y/N was in an accident."

"What!?" Lisa jumped up and quickly put her shoes on before she and Rosie hurried out the door.

And on the drive there, that's when it hit them.

They remembered everything they'd said yesterday.

And the guilt was sinking in.

"We shouldn't have said any of that to her," Lisa said.

"I know," Rosie spoke as she drove to the hospital. "I feel awful about it. Why did we say any of that?"

"I don't know. Our stress and exhaustion were no excuse. We shouldn't have taken our bad day out on her that way." Lisa said in sadness, worriedly biting her lip.

"We have a lot of making up to do to her."

Lisa nodded in agreement as they pulled into the parking lot.

After parking the car, they got out and hurried inside to the desk.

"Hello, hi, we're here for our girlfriend, Y/N. She was in an accident. Is she okay?"

"Yes. You can go see her." The nurse said and after finding out your room number, your girls hurried to the elevator and down the hallway to your room.

When they reached your room, they opened the door and stepped inside.

Thankfully, you hadn't been terribly injured.

You had a broken leg and you needed a few stitches, and you'll have some cuts and bruises across your body.

But other than that, you were pretty lucky.

"Y/N! Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" Lisa said as she threw her arms around you.

"Oh, now you're happy to see me?" You scoffed as she pulled away. "Quite the change up from yesterday."

"Baby, we're so sorry," Rosé said as she sat down in the chair beside your bed. "We didn't mean any of that."

"Then why'd you say it?" You asked.

"I don't know," Lisa said. "Because we're stupid."

You shook your head as you looked away from them.

"We know we messed up and we're truly sorry. What can we do to prove that to you? What can we do to make it right?"

"I don't know." You quietly said. "I'm still upset with you."

"We completely understand. We're not very happy with us right now either." Lisa said.

"We'd understand if you left us and never wanted to see us again," Rosie said in sadness.

"I wouldn't go that far." You spoke. "But I am extremely upset with the both of you."

"Why did you leave the house?" Lisa asked.

"Because I needed some air and some space." You said. "It's not as though when I opened my eyes you two were there apologizing to me."

"We're so sorry," Rosé said.

"We mean it, Y/N. We've never regretted anything more. Please forgive us."

"I'll think about it." You said. "Right now, I just want to rest."

Your girlfriends nodded their heads.

"We get it. Get a little rest. You deserve it."

You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as your girlfriends tried to think of what they could do to make everything better.

Because all they wanted was for you to forgive them and they'd do anything to make everything okay again.

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