{Chaennie} - bruises (requested)

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"Well, hello, my love!" Rosie grinned as she peeked into the living room from the kitchen just as you walked in.

"Y/N's home?" You heard Jennie ask. "Baby!"

You didn't look at either of your girlfriends and you didn't say anything in response.

You kept your head down and stayed quiet as you attempted to blink away your tears.

You had your hoodie on with the hood over your head.

Jennie and Rosé didn't find that odd at all at first glance because it's chilly and rainy out today.

But they did find it strange how you refused to pull the hood off your head or look at them for even a second.

They shared a glance of suspicion with each other before looking back at you, only to find you hurrying to the stairs.

"Babe, what's wrong with you today?" Jennie asked as she and Rosie walked to you.

You had only made it up a couple of steps before they caught you.

Your head was still hung, you were still silent, and your back was facing them.

"Y/N, you're worrying us. Why aren't you speaking to us? Why won't you look at us?" Rosie wondered.

"No reason." You mumbled.

"It seems like there's a reason, Y/N. You never act like this. Come on, talk to us." Jennie said as she pulled your hood down and spun you around.

You heard Rosé gasp and watched Jennie's eyes go wide upon seeing the bruise on your cheek and your busted lip.

"What happened!?" Rosie asked as she grabbed your hand. "Come here, let's get you into the kitchen. We'll find something for your lip."

You had no choice but to follow them.

They weren't letting you out of their sight right now.

Leading you into the kitchen, Jennie pulled you in for a hug and you couldn't help but wince in pain.

That's when Jennie and Rosé realized that the bruises you received weren't just on your face.

"Take your hoodie off, baby. Please." Rosie said as she and Jennie stared at you in concern.

You slowly pulled your hoodie off and when you did so, your shirt beneath it rode up your body and they saw your bruised ribs.

"I'm probably bruised on my back too." You said.

"What happened to you? Tell us truthfully." Jennie said as she had you sit down. "We won't be angry no matter what but you have to tell us."

You watched as your girls sat in front of you, taking your hands into theirs.

"A few fans saw me on the way home. I was walking alone and they cornered me. They pushed me and kicked me and called me some really awful names. It hurt."

The tears started to fall from your eyes, breaking your girlfriends hearts even more.

"I tried to defend myself, I swear. But it was only me against a few people who were full of jealousy and rage and I couldn't protect myself against that or them."

"I'll kill them," Jennie said as she clenched her jaw.

"Jennie, stop." You sniffled. "You're not going to hurt anyone. Neither will you, Rosie."

"We'll see about that," Rosie said. "But what we will be doing for certain is tell YG and the police about this to make sure these people are caught and charged."

"Your own fans?"

"Fans?" Jennie scoffed before shaking her head. "Y/N, listen to me. Those people that hurt you are not fans of us. If they hurt you and they refuse to support us, they are not real fans. End of story."

"And especially considering they physically harmed you. That is unacceptable." Rosie said. "So, yes, we are taking action. We will find them and we're not showing any mercy to them. They will pay for this."

"Okay." You said as Jennie kissed your hand and Rosie squeezed your other one tightly.

"It hurts when we hug you, right? Because I want to hold you so badly but I don't want to hurt you more." Jennie said.

"It'll be worth the pain." You said and your girlfriends chuckled before giving you gentle but comforting hugs.

"No one is ever going to hurt you again," Jennie said.

"We won't let them touch a hair on your head from this point forward. We'll always keep you safe. We swear." Rosie whispered as she rubbed your back.

"Thank you." You said, breathing out a shaky breath.

You were still shaken up and sore but you know this will be the only time you'll get injured like this.

Your girls will never let this happen again.

They'll do whatever it'll take to keep you safe and protected.

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