Chapter 11

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July 28, 2013 - New York

Amy's P.O.V.

My questions unanswered, like always. They never seem to be answered, and it doesn't actually matter whether they're something serious or something pretty simple, like my last question. How much time can I stay in jail for a murder?

I was sitting on this chair, pretty uncomfortable and squeaky. The coldness of the metal structure was somehow pleasant, considering how hot it was outside. Outside. I lifted my head to look through the window. Yeah, a bright shining sun. Big and yellow. I've read that yellow is the most commonly color that little kids would name as their favorite. They must see something special in that, unlike me. It's just a color, and not so favorite of mine. I slowly moved my eyes to the clock hanging on the wall and realized that my way of thinking about the most random things ever took barely 15 minutes from the hour Kelly gave us. An hour, to sort things out. What no one understands is, there exists no such thing.

Harry was still leaned on that window frame, arms crossed, not changing his position for a second. His stare was somewhere far out of this world. I couldn't help but notice how his eyes were looking so focused and at the same time lost, like trying to make a hole on the floor. He was biting his lower lip, from the inside and I'd give anything to know what exactly he's thinking now. It's my passion towards mysteriousness fault. I've always been crazy about creepy things, but this was a whole new level of interest. Searching for the truth, curiosity taking over you and million questions running through your mind. The feeling of impatience because you simply can't discover what's hiding slowly growing in you. That was the state that mysteries caused me to be in, and I loved it, but at the same time, I hated it the most.

I sighed silently and started tapping a random beat with my feet while resting my head on my arms. I was missing sleep. The whole night I was just rolling in my bed trying desperately to fall asleep. My eyes slowly closed and it felt so good, it felt like being in heaven.

Some movements over the room brought me back to reality and I opened my eyes to a weird stare coming from Harry. He was sitting across me, hands on the table.

"I can't figure you out." he suddenly said. I looked at him confused, but he had the similar expression on his face too.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to understand what's his point.

"I mean that I can't decide which side of yours is the real one." he said as he looked slightly upwards and let out a quite frustrated groan, his stare turning back the attention on me right afterwards. Harry wants to know, my real side?

"Oh, so I'm a two-faced bitch now?" I narrowed my eyes at him, trying not to move them away of his. You could feel the tension in the air, we both looked like boiling kettles, ready to explode any second.

"I didn't say that." I saw him... smirking? This boy changes moods every two seconds and I thought I was the one who is hard to deal with.

"But you sure did think of that." I managed to return the smile on my face and stood up of the chair. Its squeaky sounds were interesting at first, but now they're only making me even more nervous than I already am.

"Will you hear me out for once?" I saw Harry hitting the table with his hands in anger and I instinctively moved a few steps back, my heart jumping in my chest immediately. My body slightly started trembling from the surprise of his attitude. I was scared. He was scaring me. And what's actually bothering me the most about him is exactly this. Harry is stronger than me, both mentally and physically. And he's affecting me on a way that no one before could. I can't win over him. The Amy that Harry is looking for is right here now, weak and scared, trying to catch her breath. So that side of me, the real me, is not coming up to surface in front of him. I finally managed to breathe in deeply and watched him standing up.

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