Chapter 5

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July 20, 2013 - Los Angeles

Amy never thought that so many things can happen in such a short time. She signed a deal with the modelling agency, and she was given a manager, Kelly Regenfield. Amy didn't quite like Kelly at the beginning, because she seemed so heartless and serious, but Alan convinced her that Kelly is the best manager she could get. And he was right, Kelly arranged many photoshoots and video recordings for Amy, and she turned out to have a nice and sweet side too. Thanks to Kelly, Amy became one of the top models in the US, which was a big deal for her. However, the best thing was that Amy remained Amy, a cute and funny girl living her dream. She lived now in LA, in a small, basic flat, and she was happy with it.

Amy's P.O.V.

I was getting in the taxi thinking about that it's my day off. Day to take a rest! And also, it's Sunday, 7am. Why on Earth am I supposed to go in the agency for a meeting? I wonder what happened.

-Later, at the agency-

I opened the door of the meeting office. Oops, it's something big. The whole crew was here, even Alan. Alan never comes to meetings, what is all this?

"Good morning everyone" I said as I entered and sat on my chair "What is happening?"

"Good morning honey, we have some news for you!" Alan said raising his eyebrow at me. That means very good news, thank God.

Kelly smiled and turned to me "Amy, we have 5 music videos to shoot this month, all in different locations, it's going to be a little tough, but everything will be alright, don't worry okay?" I was shocked, couldn't believe what I just heard.

"Gosh Kelly, these are big news and you said them all in one second!" I heard Alan say. "Amy, what do you think?"

I looked around the room and asked "Kelly, this is a huge deal, but did you already sign all the deals?"

"Yes." she answered calmly

"Without asking me?! Kelly, I really trust your choice, but what if I don't agree to work with someone now? What is going to happen?" I asked her, and I could tell I sounded a little mad, but she should have asked me.

"Amy, you are going to love them all, I consulted for everyone with Alan, and Alan knows you the best. Can you first see with who are you going to work, and then start judging?" she was staring at me with her big blue eyes. I hate when she does that, it makes me give up.

"Okay, lets make it like this. Who's the most unknown I'm gonna work with?" I asked her

"A band from California called This Wild Life. They're making a video for a song called Ripped away."

"Oh my God! I know them! They're good!" I shouted and turned to Alan "How did you know I like them?" he just smiled and whispered "I kinda looked through your play list" and smiled innocently. I wasn't surprised, he always looks through my stuff. I laughed and turned to Kelly again.

"What about most popular?"

"You won't scream right?" she asked me looking suspiciously

"Kelly, you're making me scream now with asking me that question, tell me!!"

"Well, from this list, I can tell the most popular you're going to work with is, uhm, Alicia Keys-"

"Oh. my. Gosh! Did you just say Alicia Keys?! The Alicia Keys?! I'm going to work with Alicia-"

"Calm down!" I heard Alan. I felt a little embarrassed for fangirling in front of everyone, and a little awkward, so I decided to ask something random and forget what just happened. Hopefully.

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