Chapter 17

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July 31, 2013 - New York

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry. Harryyyyy... Hey, open the door! C'mon mate, let me in!"

I rolled my eyes at Louis' voice coming from outside and buried my head in the pillows. A sigh of relief washed through me as he finally stopped banging on the door. My head was hurting from all his attempts to get my attention and let him in. But I won't. I just need some time alone.

"Amy? What are you doing here, love?" I heard him again, his voice slightly shocked while he surprisingly laughed. I immediately rolled off and supported my weight on my elbows, carefully listening.

"Nope, I've been trying to get him open the door for about half an hour." he paused before knocking on the door again. "Harry, Amy is also here, you know?"

I threw the sheets off me and jumped out of bed, making my way to the door. Quickly fixing my hair, I cleared my throat and grabbed the door handle, grinning to the thought that she came back.

"Aw, how sweet." Louis pinched my cheeks and strolled in. I stood confused for a second and peeked in the hall. Realizing I just got fooled, I huffed angrily while going back to bed, collapsing and groaning against the pillows.

"What's the matter Harry?" Louis laughed. There goes the torture. "Fun night?"

"Kind of." I mumbled wanting to let him know that I'm not in the mood for talking. But Louis being Louis, he sat across me and nodded waiting for me to continue. I sighed as he wriggled his eyebrows.

"C'mon Harry!" he laughed. "You got some?"

"Louis, just go away." I groaned and threw one of the pillows at him, ending up straight on his face. "I'm tired." I rolled my eyes after looking at Louis rubbing his nose and narrowing his stare at me. He cleared his throat and placed the pillow right next to him, turning his attention on me again.

"Tired? From what could you- oh. Night filled with action, I get it." my eyes widened knowing he's just trying to piss me off with his comments and make me spill everything. I shook my head in disbelief and tried to ignore what he just said by grabbing my phone and awkwardly scrolling through my contacts, pretending I'll text someone. "Who knew that a sweet girl like her can be so wild in bed and drain all the energy from the mighty Harry..."

"Alright! Nothing happened last night!" I sat up straight on the bed, lifting my hands in front of me. "We came here and everything was going well until you called and she dozed off right after!" I watched as Louis shifted his position on the couch, making himself more comfortable. Realizing that my voice came louder than I planned, I took in a deep breath and continued. "And this morning, when we woke up..." my eyes traveled down, looking at the floor. "She just simply left."

Ha, another lie.

"You like her." Louis laughed and threw one of the pillows back at me.


"Someone's got a crush, I see." he wiggled his eyebrows and pursed his lips, studying me and waiting for a reaction.

"I don't like her, for Gods sake! I'm just annoyed from all her rejections." I ran a hand through my hair nervously and thought for a second before laying back on the bed and placing my hands under my head. "She's driving me crazy."

"You'll have a lot of work with this one mate." Louis laughed and stood up, walking towards the door. "We leave the hotel at eight tonight, pack up." and with that, I was alone again.

Finally. I rolled to my side and looked outside through the window, noticing that it had started raining even more than it already was.

Quickly standing up, I approached the window and leaned myself on the frame, my eyes widening at the view.

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