Chapter 24

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October 2, 2013 - Los Angeles

Amy's P.O.V.

I had settled myself in a pretty comfortable position on the couch, feeling warm and cozy. A pillow making me company as I enjoyed the pleasant feeling of complete silence in my apartment. With one hand having the pillow hugged tightly to my chest, I left my other one have its fingers brushing over my lips. I smiled, replaying in my head what had happened earlier. I couldn't comprehend why Harry was acting so weird at the bowling center at first. I even thought I was the reason for him being annoyed and nervous because of my lack of knowledge for bowling and everything related to it. Then again, it was refreshing too see him act so uneasy and unsure, considering that he always has that hint of a little more self-confidence than needed. Which when it was not overused, could be attractive, to be honest. But still, Harry being lost and out of words was a cute scene to witness.

Of course it didn't last for long though, seeing as he retrieved the smug face back up when receiving the desired answer. Relationship. It sounded extremely weird to say it. If what we were having was called a relationship, then it was a damn weird one. I knew for a fact, that if someone had told me that I would've even willingly spoken to Harry, that person would've gotten punched. And there I was, being his girlfriend. Well, life definitely had a twisted way of working.

I sighed silently when I imagined people's reaction. The thing that was messed up was how we had spent the previous months in denying, ignoring and stopping everyone around to believe that Harry and I were having something more than just a pure, friendly status. Then all of a sudden we just popped out of nowhere together, going around the city like it was no big deal and nothing was wrong or out of proportions. Although a big amount of the media have been constantly bringing up questions of what was happening, followed by a bunch of irrational theories, no one had ever said or knew anything for sure. However, a little glimpse on the social networks I had made earlier confirmed that there was a hell lot of comments now.

What I truly feared though, was something else. Or someone else, to be more precise. Or Kelly, to be completely precise. She had clearly said not to appear anywhere near Harry. I did the complete opposite. I was in trouble, big trouble, that was for sure. Not that I regretted acting upon Harry's suggestion and go against management and their orders, but at the same time knowing that the result of such an action would bring no good wasn't making me thrilled either.

Harry couldn't understand how things were. He was thoroughly convinced that his management was the strict and controlling one, whereas Kelly and her team were just trying to seem like it. What he didn't know was that they were anything but trying to. I never tried explaining to him, it was too complicated for him to take in anyways. It wasn't like I could just give him the whole picture of what was going on. I preferred keeping it to myself, as I was aware that telling him or anyone else would make them try to intervene and help, when in fact all they were going to succeed doing would be turning everything even worse than it already was.

Although in a few occasions previously, I had been thinking about telling Harry. Somehow I hoped he could understand, at least a bit, since he was on a way over-controlled too. But his impulsiveness and short-tempered behaviour were the things that backed me off, not wanting to risk having him unnecessarily get enraged. He was having not-so-nice opinions about my management already and in fact, I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to hold him back. He was probably going to lose his temper in the same second he'd find out.

I guess it was just my luck, or curse, to be randomly picked as the new face for my agency. They had been in desperate need for a new girl, so they could develop a new name that would be refreshing for the public and someone who would stand out with their character. Someone like me, apparently.

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