Chapter 4

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June 27, 2013 - Los Angeles

Amy's P.O.V.

I was sitting in this chair more than an hour, watching Alan working with my hair and make up. Why so long? He could've done it faster, but no. He's slow like a turtle. I heard him mumbling something once in a while to himself, saying that he's doing a good job. He's so self-confident and sure that we'll win, while I am here wondering if the 'not too much make up' thing will work. After all, I should look like a monster, a vampire in this case, and how can you do that without make up. Ugh, this man is driving me crazy. I just pray that the outfit I'm going to wear will be creepy enough, because Alan already said he doesn't like creepy things, so who knows what I'm goi-

"WHOALA! Make up and hair done! Ready to see yourself?" he interrupted my thoughts. It was about time. I  took a deep breath. Who knows what he has done to me.

"Okay I'm ready" I said as I turned around and finally saw myself in the mirror. I was speechless, how?

"What do you think Amy? Tell me" he said with a huge smile

"I.. I don't know. W-what have you done to me?" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This was so surreal. "Alan, it's so.. Perfect! This looks so good oh my God!"

"I told you I'm talented! But you didn't believe me, ha. Give me a hug now, I deserved it!"

"You sure did" I said to him as I went for the hug

"I'm so happy now that I know that you like what I've done. I mean, not that I thought that you wouldn't but.. Erm, you know what I mean" he started laughing.

"Will you stop being so proud of yourself? It's getting on my nerves." Shit, did I say that out aloud? Judging by Alans' face, I did. Stupid Amy, stupid Amy! I should apologise. Just as I opened my mouth to apologise he interrupted me without sounding upset

"I'm always proud of myself, and that's something you'll never change. Now stay here, I should go pick your outfit"

"Can I come too? I want to pick with yo-"

"Are you crazy? You want the other stylists to see you before the photoshoot? No honey, you stay here and don't you dare leaving this room, clear?"

I didn't want to admit, but he was right. I nodded and he left the room. Room 15. I will always remember this room. I turned towards the mirror again and started analyzing what Alan had done with me. My hair was straightened and caught in a ponytail, but he left some hair strokes left here and there. It looked so basic, like it was made with no particular effort which was weird considering the fact he spent 40 minutes doing that. But yet, my hair was so eye-catchy, so I was pleased with it. Next thing, my make up. Like I thought, he paid attention to my eyes. He had done a great job with them, they were popping out and looked so unreal. I had to admit, Alan's plan for minimum make up worked. I looked creepy.

The door opened and I  saw Alan coming in.

"Okay hun, I'm back!" he said smiling. "Here, put on these". He handed me a box. I opened the box and was stunned.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! ALAN! These are amazing!" There were a pair of heels in the box that just took my breath away.

"Pshht! No swearing! Just don't swear!" he whispered "Now go get dressed, your photoshoot starts in 15 minutes!"

"HOLY SH-" I immediately stopped myself "Oh my God, Alan, I can't wait" I continued smiling innocently and walked behind the curtain to get dressed.

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