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the bell rang in y/n's middle schools final period and y/n was quick to leave her final class of the week. her friend, lana, was already waiting for her by her locker. "mr.K over-explaining the assignment again?" lana asked already assuming the answer. "DING DING" i state sarcastically showing that she's right.

i finish packing up my books and binders from my locker and make sure i don't forget anything i may need for homework.

"robins walking with us today" i make sure to inform lana. "is he staying with you?" "yeah" i quickly reply to her question not wanting to go into to much detail. i'm robins cousin and i know his parents are going through a lot of different things at the moment so i brought up the idea to my parents and i don't think they could be more thrilled. robin was probably 10X happier than them though. nobody really knows i'm his cousin though. i received alot of my moms looks so i look more American than robin. however me and robin grew up together and are really close even though he's a year older than me, he's basically like my brother. me and lana met up with robin and began to walk home.

my parents went on a trip for a funeral so they are gone for 2 weeks. i'm happy my parents trust me and robin so much.

once we arrived at my house me and lana went straight to my room. we usually hang out alot but there was something she wanted to talk about. i was very curious because she's never seemed so passionate about anything.

as soon as we shut my door she blurted out "FINNEY BLAKE." i was so confused. sure her and finney had home room and 4th period together but she had never mentioned him. "you like.... finney blake?" i ask hoping i got the wrong idea. "NO SILLY. HE LIKES YOU." i mentally laughed at the idea. "finney likes donna?" she thought for a moment and then said "i think you 2 are meant for eachother" i sat next to finney in third period (science) and he seemed very interested in the subject so we never had to talk or ask eachother for help or anything. but finney had always been the last thing on my mind.

as if on que to end this awkwardness lana's stomach started sounding louder than robin when a new movie comes out. "we have pizza?" i say already knowing she's hungry. they nod and we walk downstairs. robin was at the tv (as always) and he seemed bored.

"i'm having a friend over tomorrow" he informed us. "what class this time?" i ask already knowing the process. "math." he said in a very annoying tone. "one more F and i'm suspended" he continued still not taking his eyes off the tv. me and lana would probably still be asleep, her parents are very strict so it's very rare we hang out outside of school so we planned on doing a lot of things late at night.

"here LANEYYY" i said i i slid lana a plate with 2 pieces of pizza on it. she scoffed ver dramatically but didn't reply

𖦹time skip𖦹
12:56 AM, saturday

me and lana were starting to get bored. we had already played hide and seek, truth or dare, kiss-mary-kill, and all the other jazzy stuff. robin had gone to bed a bit earlier around 10:45. we were now lying on the floor of my living room thinking about something else to do. "LANA....WE JUST GOT A NEW PHONE INSTALLED!!!" i said with excitement hoping she'd understand what i meant. "nice?" she said, her brain still trying to process. "prank calls?" "OMG Y/N YES WHY DIDNT YOU THINK OF THIS SOONER?!" we both ran to the hallway where the phone was installed. i ran to my room and grabbed my phone book and flipped to a random page... it read 'the blake family' with a phone number written across from it. i didn't think about if we knew a blake and just dialed in the number.


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