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after that (very interesting) call with my *dead* uncle. we all started freaking out... okay maybe i was the only one freaking out but finn and robin also seemed worried. i mean, WHO WOULDN'T BE?!

we were back at square one. back in the basement.

"how dis we end up back where we started?! this has to be a dream. im dreaming right? yeah this is just a dream. im going to wake up an-"
"Y/N CALM DOWN" robin cut me off


i was honestly so scared. who knows what would happen this time. i mean we barely escaped last time. who KNOWS what will happen this time. maybe we'll go down in history for being the victims of the craziest murder case ever heard of.

"you need to stop overthinking y/n" finn said, stopping my train of thought.

as i was about to go ballistic on him, we heard footsteps coming.

the only thing going through my mind right now was "omg we're gonna be saved. someone is going to find us and we're going to be safe and i can go home and see my mom and my dad and we'll go back to a happy life and we wont have to worry about this guy anymore and-"

in the middle of my thoughts, the door opened. and it was none other then the same kidnapper as last time. the grabber.

"well well look who stopped by for a visit" he said trying to be funny, although he was not succeeding whatsoever.

we all quiet in this awkward silence. "tough crowd" the grabber said, trying to joke again he was also unsuccessful again

"well uh since you guys obviously don't find me funny im gonna cut straight to the point. i kidnapped you guys. why? you may be asking. well because you guys are the bustards that got me locked up for life. however the police were obviously unsuccessful at keeping me put away." you guys are going to be severely punished. i may even have fun with you little girl, whatever the fuck your name is. anyways i still have to prepare for everything i am planning to do to you guys. so until then you guys will be trapped down here and dont try the phone. it doesnt work. it doesnt work."

his little speech was, weirdly organized? i dont know how to put it. but what he was saying was very harsh. and i honestly dont think im ready for what he was implying. who the fuck am i kidding? who would be ready for this shit?

as he walked out robin immediately got up "IM GONNA KILL THAT MAN. I DONT CARE IF I LOSE MY LIFE IN THE PROCESS HES GONNA DIE."

i immediately started calming robin down. "robin its okay. its okay. youre safe in this moment. you dont have to stress about the future. we have eachother." i brought robin into a hug and he started sobbing.

"y/n im so sorry. i could've protected you and finney but i didnt. im horrible."

"robin dont you dare blame yourself for the actions of this horrible man. he is the person to blame for this shit. none of this is your fault."

fyn was so worried. just by looking at him you could tell he was so stressed. but he still stayed positive.

"guys its okay. eventually gwen, or y/ns parents will notice we're gone and theyll find us and we'll be safe." fyn chimed in.

one thing i admired about fyn was that he was always able to stay positive. i mean shit, we are sitting in a basement with a chance of never getting out and he is still staying positive. im so inlove with this boy.

"yeah i guess youre right" robin said.

we all knew exactly how we felt. we all felt the exact same. we all felt defeated. because we all knew that at the end of the day there was a chance one, two, or even all of us wouldn't make it out alive. and even the chance that we all make it out alive is VERY slim. but there is technically still a chance.

•y/n's mom's POV•

while i was at work i kept feeling very VERY worried. it was the first time we were leaving the kids home alone after the whole situation happened. although i know robin can fight, this kidnapper is a grown man and who knows what he's capable of.

my boss knows what happened with y/n so he has been taking it easy on me. i mean he kinda has to, what happened to my daughter is traumatizing.

after awhile of stressing i got enough courage to ask my boss if i could leave early. i really couldn't do it. he excused me and i don't think I've drove that fast in my life.

when i got home my worst fear came true. the kids were gone. i started going crazy. i started screaming. checking everywhere. the rooms, the closets, shit i was going so crazy i was checking the cabinets. WHY THE FUCK WOULD THE KIDS BE IN THE CABINETS?!

i immediately called my husband's work. they let him go home the moment they hear the news.
after that i called the police. they were on their way aswell.
i cant believe i let this happen.

i was sitting on the couch alone, sobbing for about 5 minutes before the police knocked on the door. my husband worked about a half an hour away so i knew he would be awhile.

i was sobbing so hard.

thank god they sent about 3 female cops. im pretty sure they only sent them because im a woman. considering how sexist most work places still are, i wouldn't be surprised if this was their first major case. however thats not the point.

first, they had the female officers help calm me down. then, they questioned me, but i obviously didn't have much to say due to the fact i wasn't home.
eventually my husband got home  i don't think i've ever seen him cry this much. if im being honest i don't think I've ever seen him cry.
of course I've seen him shed a couple tears, but this is the first time I've seen him GENUINELY cry.

i then called finneys dad. i honestly forgot to contact him beforehand.

he dis not take the news well. although y/n has told me some... things about mr. blake, i know he has so much love for his children. i mean anyone could tell. although he may do and say some horrible things, i know deep down he has a very loving soul.

1126 words :)


i lowkey js forgot about this whole thing but now im back 😛😛

idek if anyone is gonna read this bc tbp somewhat fell off but i still love it and i hope you love this chapter 💕

XX ella 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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