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i was thrown onto a mattress. everything around me was cold. i was hardly conscious, but i knew everything was cold. the room gave off a very dark vibe. it smelled of sewer water and cigarettes. every movement was echoed.

"little bastard" i heard a familiar voice say. i was just laying there pretending to be unconscious. robin and finn were in the room, or so i hoped. i could tell he was still in the room. i knew he was standing there. watching.

"i know at least one of you guys are awake" he confirmed finn and robin were in here. "well shit" he said after a few seconds. i heard the door shut and light footsteps outside the door.

i shot up from my previous position of laying down. "robin, fyn, you guys ok?" i asked very worried. "yeah" fynn said, scared. "barely" robin said, partially joking.

we sat up and looked around. it was the same room i was in when i was here. nothing changed. there was eggs molded into the ground. drawings from where i drew when i was bored.

"it's the same." i mumbled. "this is the same place?" finn asked. "yeah" i said coldly, but not a mad cold, a cold that you only used when in the depths of depression and despair.

everything feels the same. the "bathroom" was dark and uncomfortably open. the "room" was still sad looking.

we all sat there in silence.

as i was looking around i noticed something new in the room. next to the mattress, on the wall, sat a black phone. "that's new" i said filling the silence that haunted the room.

"what is?" robin asked sounding more concerned than scared. "the phone." i got up as i said that walking towards the phone. i dialed 911, nothing. dialed my home phone, nothing. dialed my moms work, once again, nothing.

"nothing." i told the 2 who were sitting there watching me the whole time. the looked down to their laps their eyes slowly filling with sadness.

i walked about 2 feet back to the mattress and sat in between the 2. i put my hand on finna shoulder as he put him arm around me. "we're gonna get out of here, y/n. i promise." robin said pausing then speaking again, "your getting out of here."

why would he say something like that. why would he recommend that he might not get out. that i may be the only one out.

"if we can't all get out together, we're not getting out at all." i said firmly. "no y/n" finn finally spoke, "promise me something... if i can't get out with you, that you'll get out for me, and gwen."

gwen. i hadn't even thought about how she's probably waiting for finney. she's waiting for someone who's not going to arrive. who may never arrive.

"finn, we're getting out." just as i said that the phone rang. i ran and picked up the phone. "hello?" i said quickly. "hola, mija" a familiar voice said.

i couldn't pinpoint the voice but i knew i recognized it. all of the sudden it hit me.

"tio eddie?" i asked as my eyes filled with tears my heart filled with joy and confusion. robins head shot up as i said that and he came over to the phone.

"it is me mija" robin grabbed the phone from me and spoke into it. "pa?" he said almost crying. "robin? is that you mijo?" robins eyes filled with tears as he replied. "si,pa"

finn just kinda sat there as we talked to my dead uncle over the phone.


609 words



XX ella 💋

finney blake // prank callWhere stories live. Discover now