Making plans

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They had packed everything they needed for the month of travel it would take them to get to Rivendell, and had put it in saddle bags on their horses. It was almost like they were with the fellowship again, but now, instead of a dwarf, a wizard, a gondorian warrior and four hobbits, they had their own children with them. Which made it no less scary, than had they been in the middle of a war.

Mattei and Nibeneth were a bit ahead of them, talking to each other on their horsebacks. The two kings followed, always leaving a distance, and had their own private conversation.

"I'm so happy we could do this!", Legolas exclaimed. "Even though Ithilien is nice, I always like to see the trees of our trip once again."

"You and your trees", Aragorn chuckled. "What about all the adventures we had? We should stop at the Rauros-falls. Without orcs, it would be a beautiful place to rest on."

"I agree", the elf nodded. "But now, that we're travelling again, I wondered, if maybe we could go to Mirkwood and see my father? I've not been there for a very long time, and the longing for the forest of my childhood has come over me."

The former ranger admired how poetically Legolas spoke. He couldn't just say: I'm home-sick. No, the longing for the place of his childhood had come over him. Aragorn smiled and leant closer to his elf.

"Sure, we'll do that", he answered. "But I have to mentally prepare myself for the politics talk he'll undoubtedly have with me."

"Not only that, Estel", Legolas grinned. "Be prepared to tell him all about your affairs, as a king and as my husband. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked you about our sex life and if you satisfy me."

He laughed this glittering laugh of his, that warmed Aragorn's chest. 

"He won't have anything to complain about, will he?", the man said quietly into Legolas ear, making sure to send his hot breath over the soft skin of the elf's neck. The latter one shivered slightly, but smiled still.

"Not that I know of", he smiled and kissed Aragorn on the cheek. "I think you are very..." He gave the man a loving kiss on the mouth, leaning out of his saddle to do so. "...perfect."

Nibeneth and Mattei looked back in that moment, not sure whether to turn right to a smaller path into the forest, or turn left, where the path they were currently following lost itself in a flower meadow. But as they saw their father's, they both grinned and turned around again, leaving them alone. When they noticed they had stopped, they would maybe concentrate on the trip again.


They were resting near the Rauros-falls and the children were slumbering relaxedly on the forest floor. Legolas and Aragorn had taken the watch, as they always would to let their kids sleep, and were sitting on a tree trunk, silently talking to each other. They both enjoyed the outdoor nights, as they reminded them of their great journey. Even though it had been filled with worry and anxiety from obvious reasons, they both loved nature and its simplicity. 

Legolas rested his head on Aragorn's shoulder and just watched the water of the river flow in a constant stream, its sound relaxing him even more. Aragorn was studying a small piece of paper, which was scribbled full with a neat handwriting and many small signs. Of course it was Legolas who had written it, and it was the plan for their journey. It was drafted in Sindarin language and written in the letters of the elves (Legolas preferred his own language, especially in writing, and Aragorn loved it too) and it read as follows:

"Two weeks of travel - reach Imladris, stay 2-3 weeks; Galadriel and Celeborn return to Lothlórien - Nibeneth and Mattei follow

We continue to Mirkwood (two more weeks of travel), stay a few days

Then travel back to Imladris to get some rest; stay a few days

Travel to Bree and to the Shire, stay with Sam for one week

Go back to Lothlórien and fetch Nibeneth and Mattei, travel home."

It was just a quickly note written down while sitting on his horse, so Legolas hadn't had the time to elaborate the points a bit more, but the general sketch of the trip he had gotten right. 

"Then we're in Imladris on your birthday!", Aragorn announced and gave the note back to his husband. 

"I hadn't thought about that, but I guess you're right", Legolas responded, putting the note away again. 

"You always forget your birthday, so I didn't think you had", Aragorn smiled. "But for men birthdays are more important, and to me, yours is too."

"I know", the elf replied. "I don't even remember how old I am."

He laughed, and Aragorn had to give him a kiss just because of that laugh. 

"But you do remember your daughter's age, don't you?", he asked, with playful concern written in his face.

"Yeah, yeah", Legolas said, looking out over the river again.


"Sorry, you said...?"

"So you have forgotten it then!", Aragorn laughed, and gave the elf a shove on his shoulder, which made him fall into the man's lap. He laughed.

"I just can't count all the years, if she were and elfling she'd probably be more than a hundred years old!"

"Whatever", the former ranger answered. "She's turning 16 soon, just so that you know. And we'll have to get her some presents."

But their conversation died away, as Aragorn looked down at the face in his lap, which was staring up into his blue eyes and giving him a loving smile. He tapped the elf's nose with forefinger and told him:

"I love you, little elf."

Legolas grabbed the man's finger and pulled himself into a sitting position in Aragorn's lap. Then he placed both of his arms around Aragorn's neck and gave him a small peck on the lips.

"I love you too, you silly old ranger!"

Hi, I've got a question for you guys. Do you want me to write from Nibeneth's perspective as much as from Aralas, because I have a whole plot planned for her, but I don't know if it would even interest you. I don't want to spoiler anything, so this is pretty vague, but there will be a sub-plot for Nibeneth and a main plot for Aralas, but I don't know how far I should go with the sub-plot. So, would you be interested in a more extended (probably taking a lot of chapters of its own) sub-plot or should I try to keep it to the Aralas? Please comment and tell me!! (Sorry this got so long, btw)

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