Autumn in Rivendell

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It was a cold and starlit night when the company arrived in Rivendell. Nevertheless, they were met with candles lit in the windowsills and torches on either side of the road they were travelling on. Not a soul was seen, but the atmosphere bade them welcome and with anticipation to meet the two most powerful elves on this world, who happened to be one of their closest friends, the company halted their horses near the stables and waited for a stableboy to take care of them.

However, they had waited almost ten minutes, when they realised, there wouldn't come a stableboy. The place felt more and more deserted, the longer they dwelt therein. 

"They will be busy", Aragorn stated and led Brego towards a wooden fence where he let the horse graze on the damp grass ground. "Let us leave our horses here and meet the lady and lord inside."

They all left their horses and made their way towards the entrance of the palace. It still looked the same as when Elrond ruled over the place, but the feeling was different. There was this kind of eternal feeling, but it was a sad feeling, not a positive one. Both men wondered, what this meant.

Aragorn POV:

While we walked along the wide corridors of Rivendell, I couldn't stop wondering, why I felt anxious. After all, we would soon meet our friends and Nibeneth's godmother, and I should feel happy. But this place had changed so little, and by that changed so much, that I couldn't believe other than that nobody had looked after it since lord Elrond had left. 

From the great hall I remembered so well, speaking voices sounded towards us, and as I recognized Galadriel and Celeborn talking, I felt better immediately. You couldn't feel otherwise, when the high lady was near. Before the door we halted and I reprimanded the children one more time, that they had to be polite to the lady and her husband. Then I knocked, and at Celeborn's voice which told us to enter, we went into the room.

"Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn. We are very honoured to have been invited to your home!", I said and bowed. Legolas, Mattei and Nibeneth did the same. "Let me introduce my son Mattei and my daughter Nibeneth, whom, I believe, you have not yet met."

Galadriel stood up and came towards us, a smile upon her face.

"You mustn't bow to me, Aragorn", she said and hugged me. "I am so glad you came. And you too, Legolas!"

She turned towards my husband and hugged him too. "Thank you, my lady, I'm very happy to be here too", he told her and smiled widely. How I loved that smile!

Then the lady smiled at Mattei and Nibeneth, who were both dazed by her beauty, I could tell, and stretched out her hand towards them. It was an invitation, and I had told both my children how to accept it.

"My lady", Mattei said politely and kissed Galadriel's hand. Nibeneth did the same. 

"And you are my godchild, aren't you?", Galadriel asked her.

"Yes, my lady", Nibeneth replied, clearly intimidated. Legolas gave me an amused look and I had to stifle a laugh that threatened to come up my throat. 

"Come and sit next to me, Nibeneth", the high lady said and went back to the table. "Tell me all about your life down in the South and most of all, I want to hear about all the things your dads do, that they won't tell me themselves."

A huge smile spread on Nibeneth's face and she willingly took the place on Galadriel's left. Cunning as always, I thought, but the situation warmed my heart. I was glad, that Galadriel had spoken the right words to make my girl trust her. 

With polite words Legolas and me greeted Celeborn too, then took our place at the table next to him. Mattei went to sit beside his sister. 

"So, how come you visit Rivendell this time of the year? It is late summer and the most beautiful time in Lothlórien, so why did you rather spend your time here?", Legolas asked, and I was astounded, that he had asked such a daring question. Surely there must be something on his mind, if he spoke like that, and I wondered what it was.

"You've come straight to the point, haven't you, Legolas?", Celeborn replied and gave him an amused look. "One does feel the blood of the woodelves in you, one really does. Anyway, why shouldn't we want to spend an autumn in our lives in this place, where the beauty of earth unfolds the most at this time of year?"

Legolas nodded politely, but I could tell he was not satisfied with the answer. And I sensed it too. The way Celeborn had said "autumn in our lives" made me think, that there was a hidden meaning in his words. 

On the other side of the table, the children seemed to have a good time with Galadriel, and she smiled brightly at them while telling one of her ancient stories to them. It seemed to be one including dwarves, and they all laughed loudly at an incident, where a dwarf found a dead fish in his shoe. I wondered, how Galadriel could know this story, as it was Legolas who had put the fish in Gimli's shoe.

After dinner, Galadriel sent Celeborn to show the children their rooms, while Legolas and me stayed behind to share a few words in private with the high lady. Legolas had made it clear to me, that he intended to ask Galadriel the same question he had asked Celeborn before, and he would get his answer, even if he had to beg for it. But to my surprise, Galadriel approached the topic sooner than I expected.

"Nothing goes unnoticed by you, Legolas", she said in her ethereal voice and showed us to the balcony, where we all looked out over the city. It was night, and so it was dark, but the darkness seemed to go deeper than usually, and the stillness was more silent than should be possible with a city full of elves. 

"Sometimes I wish it did", Legolas answered in a serious tone and watched the high lady. "Am I right then, with my presumption...?"

"You needn't ask, when you know you are right", Galadriel responded, without evolving any further. 

"What exactly is Legolas right about?", I wanted to know, as I got the feeling, I was excluded from the conversation and I didn't know what it was all about.

"He noticed the emptiness of Imladris and knew to interprete it right, and the words of my husband seemed to underline his prediction. It is indeed the autumn of our lives in Middle-Earth, this is why we have come to see this city one last time. All of its inhabitants have left to the West, as Elrond's departure seemed like a call upon them, that their time finally was over. There is nobody left here, other than Celeborn and me. And we have come to bid farewell to this last stronghold of elves upon Middle-Earth. After that, we will return to Lothlórien for one last time before the rest of my kin will follow us to the Undying lands in the West", the lady explained. Her hair flowed in the slight breeze, and she shone bright in the light of the moon. 

"This was indeed my prediction", Legolas said quietly, then added. "Autumn has come to the elves, and your departure marks the end of their dwelling on Earth."

" can't go!", I exclaimed, taken aback by the realisation. "What will happen when you do?"

Galadriel turned around and looked right into my eyes. She seemed to see into my very soul, and I was stunned by her beauty and wisdom once more.

"The world has changed, Estel", she told me. "And with her, its inhabitants change. It is our fate to sometime leave this world, and now has time come to fulfill it. In a few weeks, we will return to Lothlórien, and I will take Mattei and Nibeneth with me, so that they can witness the beauty of elves in my realm before they depart. Thereafter, I will give both Lothlórien and Imladris under your command. You will have two former elven realms in your kingdom, if you wish for it, king Elessar."

Suddenly a tear formed in the corner of my eye. So this was final, this was the end of elves on Middle-Earth. Legolas took my hand in his. 

"I will keep you in remembrance as long as I live, queen of the elves", I whispered with a hoarse voice. "Your beauty will be eternal and your wisdom shall never be forgotten."

She smiled. With light steps she returned to the great hall and out of sight, taking the light that surrounded her with her. Legolas and me were left in the darkness to process the news.

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