Chapter two

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Sam read through everything that Jo compiled, thinking that he was imagining things, werewolves never made it through Kansas not while there were hunters after them. Sam should know, he was one, became one after his brother disappeared. But if indeed the werewolves took Dean, it was the next best thing to hunt them down and figure out where his brother was. The only handicap, a lot could have changed in the last five years. He might not even recognize his brother, but it was the closest thing he could think of.

"Thanks, Jo, I'm going to get started as fast as possible." Sam said, standing up and handing Jo her papers back. He walked out of the room but Jo instantly got up.

"Sam, wait! Go back to bed," Jo asked. "It's late, try to get some sleep, you can find them in the morning." Sam hated to admit it but Jo was correct, he sighed and nodded his head before going back to bed. The very next day, Sam got up and got ready instantly, he grabbed the weapons he needed before walking out of the house, Jo and Ellen were fast asleep so it wasn't hard for Sam to sneak out. Carrying his bag he grabbed a protein shake before leaving the house and making his way into town. Not long after he was in town did he notice someone sleeping on a bench. At first, Sam thought it was nothing more than a homeless person but his outfit was way too new for that. He swore that maybe he was Dean but he could have been wrong, however, if the man was a werewolf then that meant he could find Dean. He walked over to the bench and shook the sleeping person awake. The man groaned and opened his eyes before turning to look at who woke him up.

Sam saw a scar on his face like someone took a nail and cut him down the side of his cheek. His hair was completely messy like it hadn't been combed in years.

"Who are you and why are you sleeping on the bench?" The man didn't say anything, only turned away before saying a few words that he had expected.

"Leave me alone." The man ordered.


Castiel was heartbroken, he had treated Dean with the full respect that he deserved but Dean really hadn't noticed. He was sitting on the couch deep in thought when his mate: Amelia entered the room.

"Cas?" Amelia said. "What's wrong?"

"It's Dean again," Cass responded. "Whatever happened at Drax's cabin made Dean act the way he did, I get he's depressed but why doesn't he just accept that he's part of our pack?" Amelia gave Castiel a solemn look. It wasn't hard to tell, Castiel and Amelia always saw him, and unlike the rest of the pack who were born into the life, Dean turned five years ago today. Amelia sat on the couch next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Cas let me ask you this," Amelia said. "Have you tried putting yourself in his shoes?"

"I've done that all the time." Castiel protested.

"No you haven't, you've only tapped into his wolf side," Amelia explained. "Look at it from a different perspective, most of the wolves treat him like he's nothing, making him feel like an outsider, plus five years ago, he and his brother were getting chased, they were separated," she continued. "Maybe it's not so much that he doesn't fit in, maybe it's more along the lines of finding that missing piece, he's lonely, Cass, sure he may have said some cruel things but you know he didn't mean it," she kept going. "Imagine being separated for five years never knowing if the other survived? Wouldn't you act the same way? And tell me didn't you call him stupid?"

"Well..." Castiel trailed off not wanting to admit that he had basically made Dean feel worse. Amelia sighed and called him an idiot, her mate had been prickly lately due to the fact that they were the only couple without pups. Amelia was a Delta like Dean so it was hard for her to get pregnant and there were rumors going around that she was infertile.

"Cass you can't keep dwelling on what happened," Amelia told him. "You need to find Dean and apologize to him." Almost instantly Jack came racing into their cabin with a letter in his hand, tears brimming the corners of his eyes as he handed Castiel a letter.

"Cass it's from Dean! He's run off, I don't know where he went." Jack said. Castiel took the letter and read through it, he paled a bit, realizing that Dean had left by himself.

"Oh this is not good, he could come across hunters or someone could take him to a zoo," Castiel said. "Jack, did he leave anything else?"

"Aside from his scent?" Jack said "This." Jack held up the Samulet, despite not knowing what it was he handed it to Castiel. "In the letter, he said something about finding his missing piece, but I don't know what that means, is he going to be alright Cas? Would he come home?"


Before Dean slept on a bench he had transformed into a beautiful gray wolf with blonde fur and green eyes. He used the cover of darkness hoping that maybe it would conceal him from any humans or even hunters. He knew the part by heart, but he had a hard time finding Sam. He wasn't sure what Sam looked like now but he was more than ever determined to find him. When he could not, Dean started to grow tired, he found a bench and decided to sleep for the night. Transforming back to human, he dropped his bag on the bench and laid down. It was hard to fall asleep, there were loud noises all around him and the bench was uncomfortable. Dean groaned lazily when he felt someone shaking him, whoever was stupid to disturb him was going to lose their hand.

"Leave me alone!" Dean yelled.

"Hey I asked you a question first," the man responded. "Now get off the bench before someone sits on you!" Dean turned to see who it was and saw a man with brown hair and green eyes similar to his own eyes. For a split second, he thought he was imagining things. He couldn't be sure if the person in front of him was his brother or a stranger. "Are you black out drunk or something? what happened to you?" The man asked.

"Sorry I had a long night, things happened and well I found myself here, I've been trying to find someone. So no I'm not drunk, I don't have a place to stay." Dean said. "And unless you can help me, leave me alone I've been missing someone for five years." The man blinked at him, completely stunned.

"Do I know you? something about you is so familiar." the man said.

"I could say the same to you, the name is Dean," Dean said. "I'm looking for someone, we were separated five years ago and I don't know if he survived or not." 

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