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Dean was forced to change back after the amount of times Lucifer had thrown him around like a rag doll. He panted as Lucifer glanced at him like he was ready to slaughter him and put his head on a spike.

"Aww, what's wrong Dean you were so confident when you last faced me." Lucifer said.

"Yeah and that time I beat you and I can do it again." Dean responded purposely, spiking the pride Lucifer had. "Besides, I don't need to defeat you, I only had to make you reveal the truth in front of the rest of the pack." Lucifer glanced around and saw that the rest of the pack was staring at him. They growled ready to attack Lucifer, but from the looks of it Lucifer was not too happy, he tried to get everyone convinced that Dean lied but the rest of Dean's army appeared next to him. Lucifer turned back and held up his hands still attempting to change their minds but the pack didn't want to hear it, they growled and approached him ready to kill him on command but Dean knew better. He stood in front of Lucifer and the rest of the wolves showing that he was more confident than he was at the start, he told the wolves that it would have been best to give Lucifer the treatment and stand on trial for his crimes against the alpha and the pack. "I believe that we need to work with the humans again, that if Lucifer is going to be punished it would be fair and just, just like everyone else." Lucifer protested saying that he had been set up but he didn't get a say as two betas turned human and took him away.

"Get your paws off me!" Lucifer exclaimed. "You won't get away with this Dean! You can't get rid of me!" Dean turned toward Lucifer, his eyes glowing alpha red and Lucifer's eyes going back to gold. Dean growled at him causing Lucifer to feel small and stop arguing with Dean.

"I believe that you lost Lucifer," Dean said. "As someone who rose from Delta to True Alpha, I'm making sure that you get the trial you deserve and if you're found guilty, which I believe will happen, the sentence will be death, and there's no way you can get out of this, take him to the prison cabin. He'll remain there until trial." the betas nodded and dragged Lucifer away from the old city.


With Lucifer finally out of their hair, everything started to go back to normal, almost as normal as it can possibly get. Not only that but Dean started to work up the courage to speak to Jo and admit his feelings. He walked over to his brother, his stomach in knots like he was underwater. Sam was in the middle of talking with Castiel about how the pups were doing and how they were settling into their new life.

"It's an adjustment," Castiel said. "But I think they can really grow and learn from you humans, I've always known that they'd follow Dean no matter what."

"You knew that he was the true alpha the entire time he was in the pack didn't you?" Sam asked.

"Yes, the entire time he's been in the pack it's always shown, the way he stood against Drax despite only being a delta, he rose to the occasion," Castiel explained. "The only thing left he needed was to reunite with his brother, and that's exactly what he did."

"Are you talking about me again?" Dean asked, causing Castiel and Sam to turn around. "You know if you two are ever going to talk about me, I'd like a heads up."

"Dean you came back!" Claire exclaimed, giving him a hug. "Did we win?"

"I'm sure we won!" Jack exclaimed. "No one can defeat Dean, he's the true alpha!"

"Right, thank you two but I'd like to talk to my brother alone please?" Dean asked. "I need some advice."

"Yes, Alpha." Jack and Claire responded at the same time and ran off to go play attack with each other, Castiel went after them wanting to be sure that they didn't run away again.

"Wow they seem really relaxed around you," Sam commented. "I think you're going to have to get used to it."

"Trust me I know," Dean said. "But I've been meaning to ask for help, I've been searching for my mate but even though I've found her, I don't exactly know how to approach her." Sam forced back a laugh already knowing that Dean had feelings for Jo, he put the pieces together once he saw Dean stare at her when they first met.

"This about your crush on Jo?" Sam asked. "Well don't be too direct, she's chased a lot of guys away," he continued. "Now I could be wrong but I think it's because she can't be with anyone else." Dean nodded nervously and even though he desperately wanted his brother to help him out they didn't have enough time because Jo entered the room right on cue.

"Who's got a crush on someone?" Jo asked. Sam smirked and wished his brother luck before winking at him and leaving the room, Dean gulped unsure of what to do at being left alone with his apparent mate. "So are you just going to stand there?" Jo asked.

"Um well..." Dean stammered and he felt his wolf jump in excitement when she got closer and told him to stop being oblivious to what was staring him in the face before making her move and kissing him on the lips. Dean hadn't expected Jo to kiss him like that but instead of pulling away, he allowed himself to melt into the kiss before the two pulled away.

"You don't have to say anything Dean Winchester, I love you too."

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