Chapter six

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Before they started the war, Drax decided that it would be best to pay someone to try and kill Dean. His own betas tried and failed, but he wasn't about to give up, if Dean wanted to stay with humans then he better be ready to get attacked. He met up with an annoying blonde in one of the local Kansas bars. The two had worked together before so it was his best option. He entered the bar where people were drinking and some tattooed individuals were talking in slurred voices. The majority of them were drunk so had no sense of direction and sometimes fell over. He hated being in the same room as humans; they were nothing more than depressed and wallowed in their own feelings. It took him a while to find Bela but his eyes finally landed on a blonde girl sitting alone with a martini in front of her. An evil smirk appeared on his face as he made his way over to the table by the window and took a seat across from her.

"Bela, as I live and breathe." Drax said. "How have you been?"

"I thought I smelled a dog, last time I saw you Vera was still in charge," Bela answered. "And I am rich but that hasn't made me happy yet," she continued. "What can I do for you?"

"I have a little problem with one of my Deltas," Drax explained. "Dean Winchester, he's been getting out of line and turns out he might be a true alpha," he continued. "If I pay you, will you take care of it for me?"

"A true alpha now that's a phrase I've never heard before," Bela responded. "It won't be easy if what you say is true, but yes I can, pay me double what you gave me last time," she continued. "It's a lot different than killing a female wolf so you can be the alpha." Despite Drax not liking Bela much even if she were close with his family years ago, he needed Dean taken care of otherwise he'd become the next alpha and he would have trouble keeping the rest of the wolves in line.

"Deal." Drax said. "I will pay you after the deed is done."

"I expect you to keep your word," Bela said, touching his arm in a flirty manner. He brushed her off not wanting to be touched. "Pity maybe next time, see you later Drax." Bela pushed her drink towards him before getting up to leave, a few men looked at her as she left making Drax roll his eyes.

"She better do her job." Drax said to himself. "Otherwise the next thing I'll kill is a conning bitch."


"Cass that prophecy sounds like something from a book." Dean commented. In the past five years living in the forest, he had never seen the leaves turn red. Even when he was human, the leaves never changed color; they were always green.

"Dean, be respectful and what do you mean you've never seen red leaves?" Sam asked.

"He does have a point, the leaves change color every year." Jo pointed out.

"It just sounds crazy okay," Dean said. "Whatever this prophecy is, it doesn't at all apply to me or Sam I mean come on, if a sacrifice isn't made it'll end in death? That's just crazy." It was hard for Dean to even think about prophecies let alone the look on Tristan's face when Dean went up against him. There was no way it meant anything about alphas, he thought back to what Castiel mentioned about him becoming a better Alpha than Drax. "Are you telling me that this whole alpha thing is true? That's just a legend that's told to make pups follow their alpha."

"Legends aren't just stories Dean," Castiel argued. Despite the situation he didn't raise his voice knowing that would set Dean off. "They're lessons and not believing them doesn't make them any less true." Dean didn't want to hear anything else, he turned on his heels and walked out of the apartment heading down to the street, behind him he could hear his brother calling out to him but he ignored them, not willing to hear anything else. Dean was walking through the small town as Sam eventually caught up to him and grabbed him by the arm.

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