Chapter 1

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Note: M/N is your preferred name.
Enjoy reading <3

If you had told M/N that he'd be trapped in a village in Romania looking for his sister, he would have laughed hysterically in your face. But now, he would have never doubted a thing you said.

It had been almost three weeks since M/N had last seen his sister, Danni, and her 5 friends she had with her. They had gone camping deep in the forest, away from the the new town they had just settled into. But she hadn't texted him in quite a while. Panic started setting in two days before when his sister's friends parents were knocking on his front door. They told him that they hadn't seen their children since they went into the woods. It wasn't common in this town for people to go missing. That's why he started panicking.

Yes, he had military training with Chris Redfield, but he didn't know whether to call him and the Alpha team he used to be on to come and help him track down the six kids or to go out on his own to bring then back quicker. He decided on the second option. He packed a deffel bag with essentials such as water, food, extra clothes, toiletries and of course, his two guns. One was a licensed pistol he had received during training, the other was a Magnum. It packed a powerful punch, a gift from Chris.

Chris had always joked about how M/N always gave home bruises after training and sparring. So the Mag was a perfect gift for a guy with a strong punch. M/N gathered all the bullets he could find, including five boxes of Mag ammo and shotgun ammo. He never knew why he had shotgun ammo, but he knew it would be useful.

He got his car keys and headed to the garage to reveal his black Ford Ranger parked there. It had a few scratches and an excruciating amount of dirt caked onto the wheels, doors and the cab in the back. "Hey big girl. Ready to head on another adventure?" he asked the car that stood in front of him. M/N hopped in the front and turned the key into the ignition. The car sprung to life and the engine purred.

M/N clicked a button on his remote and the garage door opened at a painfully slow pace. Once the door had opened, he sped out into the direction the kids had said they were doing camping. He drove along the pine needle scattered dirt road, the light, dusty snow littered on his windshield, making the air outside bitterly cold. If those kids were out here, M/N only hoped they were okay...

The village was cold, so cold in fact that the Lord who was know for being a hot head and a hot blooded creature shivered under the many thick layers of clothing he had on. Lord Karl Heisenberg strolled along the path he had memorized to death in all his years he lived in this village under the control of Mother Miranda.

'Those kids that were brought here a few days ago have been nothin' but trouble.'  he thought to himself. 'they keep tryin' to escape, but fail miserably every time.' he let out a deep chuckle as he swung his hammer over his shoulder, arriving at the super-sized bitches castle. Castle Dimitrescu was a castle that was well known for taking girls from the village and making them maids to the 9'6 lady and her three daughters. Or they turned the girls who were virgins into a sweet dessert wine called Sanguis Virginis.

A horrible fucking taste in his opinion. Heisenberg preferred brandy or hard liquors. He entered the front door of the castle and headed to the living room that was littered in fancy furniture and ornate fireplaces. It was a lot comfier and warmer than outside.

"Heisenberg. As always, you're 5 minutes late" Alcina Dimitrescu's voice rang out.
"You realise I don't have fucking steeds at my disposal, right? I'd rather walk than have a carriage pulled by lycans and horses, thanks." his voice was venom to her rudeness.
"No matter now, you're here. While I was waiting for you to arrive, one of those little brats tried to escape again. I am very unamused by her attempt." she snarled. She held a wine glass in her hand. A crimson coloured liquid staining the sides of the glass. That definitely wasn't wine.

"Well, what the fuck do you want me to do about it?" he snapped, taking a seat across from her. "It's not my kid to look after.. Besides, I have a girl at the factory working overtime, so I can't take another one in."
"I never asked for you to take the child from my grip. But that is not why I called you here. I caught wind ig a rumor spreading around that one of the lycans spotted a black vehicle towards this area." Dimitrescu stated, sipping at the metallic smelling liquid from her glass.

A vehicle coming down this way? That's new. "What else do you know?" Heisenberg questioned, now intrigued by this information. His sister smirked, "A man thing. He's looking git people who came camping near this area. Sound familiar?"
The children! Of course. One of them has to be one of his own. A son or daughter? Or a sister perhaps?

"When the man thi g enters the village  you will be the one to track him and his every move. Mother Miranda's orders." Dimitrescu looked down at her younger brother, a pleased look rested upon her face.
"That bitch Miranda is nothing more than a basterd and a liar," Heisenberg growled, "And what if I don't do it?"
"Then she will end the children's lives mercilessly."

Utter shock ran through his body. He didn't even dare hurt a woman or a child. He only took men into his factory to work or to use their corpses as experiments for his Soldats. Mother Miranda was on a whole different level when slaughtering people.

"Fine. If you find him, he's my prey and my prey alone. You, Doll freak and Ugly fish face do NOT go near him." Heisenberg'S testosterone and adrenaline started rapidly pumping through his body. The thought of hunting down a stranger from the outside of the village... His little plaything. It's aroused him in a way, excited by the thought of running after this stranger was what he wanted for a long time.

"You've got a deal, Heisenberg. Now be off with you. I have duties to attend to." Dimitrescu stated. Heisenberg got up and hurried out of the castle and back to his factory. He couldn't wait to chase this man down and sink his teeth into his flesh.

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