Chapter 2

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M/N had arrived at the edge of the village, parking his car behind a few trees. He scaled down a small cliff that led him into a path down to the village. He had his pistol ready to shoot anything that came near him. He was going to get his sister back one way or another. He creeped into the village, making sure no one could see or hear him. Soon after he arrived, he entered a church. It wasn't big, but it could hold a few people. M/N dropped his bag down onto the dusty floor. He walked to the front of the church only to be met with an altar. On this altar we're five framed pictures.

One was of a woman with black hair and very pale skin in a white dress. Another was a grotesque looking man with a hump on his back. On the other side of the altar was a woman wearing all black with a black veil covering her face and a porcelain doll. Next to her was a good looking man with a cowboy hat, stubble on his chin, round black glasses and scars littered all over his face. His hair was the colour of coal, ash and milk chocolate. And in the middle of the four photos, was a portrait of a woman with blonde hair and a cage like mask obscuring her face.

This place, this village... It was odd to say the least. Why would someone want to live here? It's as if they have been stuck in a medieval timeline, never seeing to outside world. It confused M/N greatly. Slowly but surely he started setting up camp in the church. It looked like no one has been in here for months, years even. The people of the village were either rvery quiet ot there were none at all, but he knew some this was up. 'Shouldn't a village of this size be bustling with activity at this time of day?' he thought to himself. Truly baffling indeed.

Moments after he had set up a small campsite in the church, he heard growling from outside. Moving towards the nearest window, he looked around only to be met with the ugly sight of a shaggy haired beast sniffing the ground at M/N's footprints. Thus wasn't fucking good if he found out M/N was here, he could alert some sort of authority or worse, kill him right there. He had to think fast, but when he turned away to look at the duffle bagand then turned back, the creature was gone.

"Oh shit..." M/N said put loud, his voice shaking from the fear he felt in his guy. Something was going to happen, and it wasn't good.

The lycan sprinted away up the path to Lord Heisenberg's factory. It had caught the scent of someone add and unfamiliar, just like the girl in the factory. As it barged into the factory and ran down the old creaky platforms to Heisenberg's work station, it huffed and growled and grunted.

Heisenberg had been working on designs for his horrific creations called Soldats and the other creatures he designed. He sipped at coffee mixed with a bit of rum. The lycan barged in, growling and roaring at him. Heisenberg was about to yell and demolish this beast for disturbing his peace and quiet. But before he could, he froze in his tracks. From what he could understand, the lycan had said there was an unfamiliar scent in the village, near the church... A stranger in the village.

A stranger in the village? Heisenberg leaped up from his seat, a pure look of excitement and a devilish smile crossed his face. This wad his chance. This stranger was his prey now and he was going to enjoy his hunt. He flexed his hand, allowing his Cadou ability to send electric charges through his argand and muscles. A magnetic charge coursing 6hrough his fingers, levitating the massive metal hammer into the air and bringing it to his gloved hand with a loud thump.

He grabbed his hat, which lolay on his work bench along with all his notes, and started storming out of the factory. He moved so quickly that the lycan that informed him of the stranger couldn't keep up with him. But no matter trying, because Heisenberg let our a low growl, signaling his dominance towards the beast behind him. If one could put that growl into and actual sentence, he would have told the lycan to 'Fuck off and tell the others not to follow the stranger'... Very wise words.

Heisenberg stomped down the pathway to his gate. He imagined what this stranger looked like... Ugly like Moreau? Freaky like Beneviento? Bitchy and prepy like Dimitrescu? 9r maybe, like him in a way... He better on ugly because it would be easier for him to kill this man if he were unattractive in his eyes. Kicking his gate open, he trotted down where the lycan said he smelled this man's scent. To his surprise, he stopped face to face, inches away from this unknown man's face.

His e/c (eye colour) were as beautiful as the dawn, his h/c (hair colour) was as perfect as a ped of untouched flowers and his face was more handsome than most of the village men in this hell hole.

"Oh. Fuck." the stranger said stepping five paces back pulling out his pistol. Heisenberg on the other hand was in awe at this man's beauty. He was, in fact, blushing. Scratch the ugly appearance he thought he'd be, because this man was far from ugly.

M/N held his gun up to the muscular man's chest. He knew who this guy was. He was the man in one of the pictures in the church. Everyone feared him it seemed... His name plate read; "Lord Karl Heisenberg" M/N was utterly screwed.

Gears and Trinkets. [Karl Heisenberg x male reader] Where stories live. Discover now