This A/N Is Pretty Important.

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Hello hello lovely readers. It's Alastor.
So i wont be posting fir a loooong ass time because my phone and laptop are broken. So im currently using an old phone what has no notes for Gears and Trinkets. So i apologize for the inconvenience.

My phone fell off the couch about 3 days ago and i dont have tge money to repair it right now. So thats fuuuun.

Also i would like to wish those who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas. And to those who are celebrating yule, i wish you a very merry yuletide. And ti those who are celebrating Hanukkah, i wish you a very happy Hanukkah <33

Please stay safe out there and please enjoy your holidays!!

See you later <33

Gears and Trinkets. [Karl Heisenberg x male reader] Where stories live. Discover now