Chapter 5

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Heisenberg had asked for his name. This made M/N slightly suspicious. "M/N..." M/N replied hesitantly.
"M/N... A gorgeous name for an even more gorgeous man, if I do say so myself." Heisenberg cooed. M/N's face grew redder by the second. Heisenberg was hot, like really hot. M/N's ex-boyfriend couldn't even top how hot this man was.

"Say, M/N... I have a proposal for you."
"Sorry, I'm not looking for a husband rig t now, thanks." M/N snorted, stifling a laugh.
"Wha- No not that proposal! Listen, I want you to work for me, be my... Business partner in a way." Heisenberg's grin widened.
"No chance buddy. I'm here for one thing and one thing only." M/N's voice was stern and authorative.
"Lemme guess. Six children who wondered too close to the village about two or three weeks ago. Right?"
M/N looked at Heisenberg with shock written all over his face.

"I- Where are they? Are they okay?" M/N's voice held worry and concern in it. Was he too late? Was he going to leave empty handed?
"I have one of the breaths here. She's and awful lot like you. Looks and attitude."
"Her name... What's her name?" M/N hoped it was at least one of the girls who wend missing. Heisenberg let out a glow grolw as he summoned his hammer to his gloved hand and banged it heavily on the ground. M/N lost his balance for a moment due to the sheer force of the floor shaking underneath him, but regained it back quickly.

A soft pitter-patter if feet ran from the floor below and up a flight of metal stairs.
"Sorry my Lord! I was just finishing up some gears-" A girl with dark hair and brown eyes came rushing in. M/N let out a gasp.
"M/N!" she rushed over to him, embracing him in a warm hug. "Oh my God, I knew you'd come... What in the blazes toon you so damn long!?" she pushed him away from her.
"how was I supposed to know you were here?" He argued back, shooting a glare at her.
"Well, you should have known. And for the three weeks I've been in this hell hole of a village waiting for your old ass to get here!" she hissed.
"Firstly, I'm not that old. You're  just an entitled child. Secondly, I hope you learned. Some responsibility in getting lost and getting captured. And stop being a brat." M/N stated sternly.

"She doesn't stopwith her fucking complaining and expects to just believe that if let her go. Little shit." Heisenberg sighs in frustration. M/N felt that.
"Maybe I should just leave you here and go find the other five-"
"Three..." She cuts M/N off, a sad look upon her face. Just as he suspected, only four of the six children were strong enough to survive.
"How do you know it only three other kids?"
"Lady Dimitrescu got Eliza and Lady Beneviento got rid of Angelo." she started tearing up.

"Enough chit-chat. Back to work." Heisenberg barked out, his command making Danni jump and run out the door.
"Thats child labor. Child abuse! You can't make her work!" M/N growled.
"I see the cocky remarks, independent nature and snapping at people runs in the family." Heisenberg snickered.
"Fuck you."
Gladly love." Heisenberg chucked.
"Are you always this horny or does it only happen when you see a man around?"
Heisenberg paused looking at M/N with shock, "No comment. Anyway! About that proposal. You work for me, I offer you the best of the best protection, housing and free weaponry. Only if you help me kill Miranda."

That last sentence rang in M/N's head, like deja vu. M/N thoughts back to the last time he and Chris had gone on a mission... It replayed in his mind like a broken record. It made his cheeks flush with a dusty pink colour. Though, he couldn't remember much due to a concussion he had a few months ago.

M/N looked over to Heisenberg, examining every feature on this face. From the white, brown and mahogany coloured stubble on his face to the small scar on his lip, all the way to those cold metal eyes. He took a deep breath and exhailed.
"Let's kill a bitch."

Gears and Trinkets. [Karl Heisenberg x male reader] Where stories live. Discover now