Chapter 7

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M/N rubbed his temples, that odd fuzzy feeling of a distant memory clouding his mind. Since his concussion nearly three years ago, shit went South. He was removed from the BSAA, he came out to his parents who disowned him, his sister was kicked out for supporting her eldest brother and to make things worse, Umbrella has made it their mission to track down and stalk M/N

Not the best life at the moment. But if M/N worked with Heisenberg and brought down Mother Miranda then maybe, just maybe, he could be accepted back into his old position. The chances of that happening were very slim.

He lay in Heisenbergs couch staring at the ceiling. Why did he agree to this? What would Heisenberg even want with him? He groaned angrily and cupped his hands over his eyes. "Fuck.. What the fuck is this place- What the fuck is wrong with these people? Did I hallucinate Heisenberg levitate metal..?" M/N growled in a frustrated tone.

"Well, someone's having a shitty night..."
M/N sat up quickly, only to be met with the man himself.
"Speak of the Devil, himself. What are you doing in here?" M/N huffed as he stared at Heisenberg. He didn't have that trench coat or that hat with him, and to M/N's surprise, Heisenberg's round specticals were nowhere to be seen. He wore a white tank top shirt covered in black oil stains littered down to the hem of the shirt and he wore olive coloured pants tucked into his boots. And to top it all off, that sweet smelling cigar.

"I just came to grab some coffee."
"It's 12am Heisenberg."
"And? What's the problem with that?"
"go to fucking bed, you whore."
"Make me, bitch. I still have work to do."
M/N growled under his breath and muttered to himself. "she more stubborn than Chris and me..."
"What was that?" Heisenberg cocked his ehad ti the side as he poured himself a large mug of coffee.
"Nothing." M/N sighed.

M/N closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. Oil, metal, coffee, sweet scented cigar and... Cologne. He opened his eyes to see Heisenberg standing in front of him. His tall figure looming over M/N.
"Can I help you?"
"You're going that thing you were doing earlier."
"What thing?" M/N was confused and suspicious with what the man in front of him said.
"Ya' know. The whole 'close your eyes, take a deep breath and forget anything bad is happening in the world'. That thing..."
"It's a trauma response." M/N looked at his hand, scars littering it from fights in bars and in training.

"Le'me guess. You had a few fights and now you got PTSD." Heisenberg said nonchalantly. M/N was about to retort before Heisenberg sat on the floor, leaning his back against the couch.
"I've had my fair share of PTSD, kid. I know what it's like."."why are toy telling me all this?..." M/N's confusion was imminent.
"I don't fucking know. I guess I feel a bit comfortable talking with you fuck I don't know!" Heisenberg snarled.

A long pause between the two men. M/N gently held out his hand.
"The fuck are you doing?
"I'm giving you my hand to hold, dumbass." M/N laughed. Heisenberg's face flushed and his embarrassed demeanor made M/N laugh more. Heisenberg took M/N's hand inti his own. Soft skin against hard, calloused skin. Peace. All M/N could feel was peace between the him and Heisenberg, the man who once tried to kill him and spill his blood upon the white snow.

They sat like that for a good few minutes before Heisenberg dropped M/N's hand and stood up abruptly.
"That's enough."
"im going back to work. Get some sleep, kid." Heisenberg yelled as he exited the room. What a peculiar man. He lives alone and has a huge factor yet M/N hasn't seen anyone who lives with him, like a partner or family member or even a worker. Danni is the only merson other that M/N here to keep Heisenberg company.

Heisenberg stomped to his room and slammed the door behind him. His face was warm, a panic stricken face with a blush on his cheeks. He leaned against the door and slid down it and sat on the floor, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Fuck..." Heisenberg breathed out in a shaky breath.

Gears and Trinkets. [Karl Heisenberg x male reader] Where stories live. Discover now