Episode Three: Disappear

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APRIL 25, 1984At the house

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APRIL 25, 1984
At the house

''So, you're telling me we have to go back to California?'' Rosie says. ''This is just some bullshit!'' ''It's not bullshit, we can just leave you here and find Ren ourselves.'' Aeri snaps, staring her down. 

''If Rosie is not going, then I-I'm not going!'' Ashy stands up, but quickly sits down in embarrassment. ''Well, screw you two. I'm going.'' I said, looking at them. ''Really Liv?'' Rosie says, giving me a look.

''Yes, really! This is Ren we are talking about, she's important to us so we can to be willing to risk our lives for her!'' I scream at her, causing Rosie to stand up. ''Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.. I don't know what's gotten into me.'' 

She sits back down. ''So, are you going?'' I ask her, frustration straining my voice. ''Yeah.'' She quickly says. ''Well, perfect. I say we start tomorrow, even though we don't such a plan really I think it's important to get to Ren quickly.''

''I agree, Ren is needed in the group.'' Jongsok says, looking at all of us. ''Let's head to sleep for the night, shall we then?'' We all agree, going to our rooms. I agreed to sleep in the same room as Ashy and Rosie. 


It was the next day, I didn't feel like getting up today. But I knew I had to, It was important, she was important. I push the covers off of me, getting dressed and heading into the kitchen. ''You ready Liv?'' 

''Yeah, we have everything packed right?'' I asked, Rosie nods her head. We head outside, getting into the car. ''Do you know how long this will take?'' Ashy asked, getting comfortable in the backseat. 

''About 6 hours.'' Aeri turns around to look at us, pulling out her map. I've decided to head back to sleep, cuddling into my blanket, putting my head against the window and finally fall asleep for a while.


''Liv, wake up, we're here.'' I felt someone nudge me, I slowly open my eyes, looking around. WE were in a forest, it was very dark and I couldn't see anything but trees. I grab my flashlight and head out of the car with the others. 

''The entrance to the Neverlands should be around here somewhere, maybe more deep in.'' Aeri starts to walk, while talking. ''Then we should've just drove the car a little more.'' Jongsok says, walking quickly behind her.

''Trust me, you wouldn't want to.'' I was going to start to ask why, but then I see human-like flesh in the forest. ''What the hell.'' Rosie says, stopping in her tracks. ''Yeah, our car could've gotten stuck here.''

''Um, what is this?'' Ashy ask, carefully stepping through it. ''I don't know, but, it's just a path for the entrance of the Neverlands.'' Aeri responds, walking without caution through the flesh path thing.

We've walked for about 10 minutes, but still no sign of the entrance. ''Are you sure there's an entrance to the Neverlands? We've been walking for such a long time now.'' Rosie groans, causing Aeri to snap.

''If you actually had patience, then yes, there is an entrance to the Neverlands.'' Rosie huffs, which made me chuckle a little bit. Aeri stops all of sudden. ''What's wrong?'' Jongsok says, standing beside her.

''We're here, the entrance is in this tree.'' We look at the tree that's close to her, there was an open circle with more human-flesh like things inside. ''We just have to climb through it, and if the strings get in your way, just break them''

''We have to touch them?'' Ashy says, a bit disturbed. ''Yes, get over it.'' She heads into the tunnel, we all follow. It was kind of difficult but we had made it through, we finally step out of the tunnel and look around.

''This is the same place just..more red..'' Rosie says, zooming her flashlight everywhere. ''We don't need our flashlights, turn them off, and let's go.'' Aeri already starts to walk, we quickly follow.

''Where are we going?'' I ask, clinging on Jongsok in fear. ''We need to go back to the house, she might be there.'' Aeri responds. ''So, you have knowledge on all of this?'' Ashy ask, Aeri nods her head.

''My parents went through it multiple times in a lifetime, so I have some knowledge there and how all this works.'' She puts her flashlight in her bag. ''Are you able to tell us too? Or is it something you have to keep for yourself?''

''It's something I can't share with any of you, it runs in the family, so unless you're Wonyoung then I cannot tell you.'' We finally walk out of the woods. ''So, now we just need to get back to the house.''

Wonyoung says, help leading the way to the house we had stayed at. ''I'm assuming this will take 6 hours too?'' Rosie says, in a angry tone. ''I wouldn't assume so, Neverlands is just a smaller version of real life.''

''Really? That saves us some time.'' Jongsok says, wiping the sweat off his forehead. ''Yes, but it will take another 10 minutes, just so you know.'' She smiles at Rosie, who has a annoyed facial expression.

The 10 minutes started to feel like 9 hours, but it was until I was thinking about dozing off is when we found the house, the house that will forever be in our nightmares. ''Well, here we are guys.''

''I'm sorry, but this does not look like the house we stayed in.'' Ashy says, with fear in her voice. ''Yes, Neverlands always put a more.. disturbing way.'' Aeri says, carefully walking there. ''Let's be careful,

we don't know what kind of creature is inside of it.'' The word creature made me freak out. ''Creature? Like.. a monster?'' I said, quietly. ''Yes, they are very dangerous. Everybody has their weapons right?''

''Yes.'' We all said, I grip my strongly. I swear I was bleeding from how hard I was grabbing it, but I know at this point. This point of how far I've gotten, I knew I cannot be afraid. I need to save her, she needs to make it out alive.

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