Episode Four: It has appeared

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APRIL 29, 1985In the basementLIV'S POV

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APRIL 29, 1985
In the basement

Aeri was sitting there, confused, as Wonyoung stood by her side. ''Hello, we can't just sit here!'' Ara says, picking her head up off the table. ''I know, but it's confusing.'' Aeri says, she eyes Wonyoung.

''We can't keep Ren asleep forever.'' Wonyoung says, ignoring her sister's gaze. ''I think I might have an idea, but I need the book at the library.'' We all look at her dumbfounded. ''So, you're telling me a book is gonna let us know how to get a fucking demon out a teenager?''

''No, but it can give us ideas.'' Wonyoung starts to walk away. ''This is the stupidest idea!'' Ashy groans, following her. I feel like she had a good idea coming, but I wasn't sure if it was going to work. 

It was me, Ashy, and Wonyoung that went along to the library. ''So, do you have a book in mind or?'' Ashy asked, trying to grasp the idea. "I have a book in mind, my parents shown it to me when I was much younger.''

She quickly goes to one aisle. ''It better not be no fanfiction- or fantasy book.'' Ashy complains. ''We're basically in a book, title it California Dreamer or some shit.'' I complain to Ashy, she glares at me.

''Whatever, we just need something that can help us, help Ren.'' She quickly fixes herself. ''Just say you don't care about-'' I cut my sentence off, shaking my head. She quickly turns to me. ''Say it Liv.''

''Guys! Let's not argue, I found the book.'' She quickly checks out the book, jumping in the car. We drove as fast we can home, Wonyoung runs to Aeri. Showing her the book, Aeri grabs the book and lays it down.

''Holy shit.. this might be a good idea.'' Aeri says, she grabs the notebook she's been staring at for the past 3 hours, and writes down ideas quickly. ''We finally have a fucking idea, holy mary.'' Ara throws her head back. 

''It's so cold in here, I cannot be in here any longer.'' Sua says, I called her in because maybe she knew something about Ren and how she was acting. ''We have to make it burning hot in here, that's exactly what we have to do.'' 

''What?'' Ashy says, standing there confused. ''Get heaters, start fires, we need as much eat as we can get.'' Aeri says, I quickly run upstairs. I knew we had a heater somewhere, but we needed more than one.

I brought it down to the basement. ''We only have one, we need to buy more.'' I said, panicking to plug it in. ''Bet, girls let's go.'' The rest ran upstairs, I stayed by Ren's side as it slowly heated up. 

''It hates the cold, it hates the cold.'' Aeri kept repeating. She came and sat by Ren, ripping the blankets off of her. Making sure she felt the heat, I started to sweat badly. One heater is bad enough, how many can make it worse?

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