Chapter Three: More Fun Surprises

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A/N: updates will start to get slower since I start school next week!!

Third POV

Hours passed and the sun rose, but the seven were still there waiting for any doctor to come in and say Max would be okay. Erica was the only one to fall asleep, though all of them were exhausted and by morning Lucas could barely keep his eyes open. Still, he couldn't sleep without knowing Max's condition, no matter how much his mind and body urged him to rest. 

As everyone checked the time, got up to stretch, or shook their head to stay awake, footsteps began to get closer and louder. Maybe it was a doctor coming to tell them Max was awake and would be okay, or maybe they brought news of her death. They turned their heads to the doorway, anxious and quiet as they waited to see who would come through that door and what that person would say. The worst thoughts rushed through heads, terrified they were going to lose another friend. Lucas had to look away and closes his eyes as the doors opened, despite wanting any sort of update he couldn't bear to see who could bringing the news.

"Mike!" Nancy ran over to Mike, Will, Eleven, Johnathon, and Argyle who just walked in. She wrapped her arms around her younger brother, hugging him tightly, "God mom is gonna never let you leave the house again."

Nancy and Johnathon made a bit of awkward eye contact before hugging each other and exchanging a mutual, "I'm glad you're safe." It was pretty obvious neither had the same romantic feelings for each other as before, but of course they didn't bring it up, they were at the hospital after all. Plus they didn't exactly want to break up in front of everyone, especially when one of their friends might die.

"Is Max okay? Where is she?" Eleven asked, pretty obviously worried since the last time she could see Max she was on the brink of death. In that moment it was so hard for her to come back to reality and leave Max. She couldn't just leave when Max was that close to her, close enough to touch despite being thousands of miles away. At the same time though, Eleven could not let herself stay in that void watching Max suffer, she needed to get to her.

"We're still waiting for an update on her condition." Lucas sighed, slumping in his chair as he leaned his head back to look at the ceiling. He still had the image of Max's pale eyes in his head, her limb body, broken limbs, bloody tears. All of it was burned into his brain.

Eleven began pacing around anxiously, she wanted to use her powers to check on Max. She thought about ignoring the rules and going to see Max right then, it would be so easy to do. But she knew there had to be doctors with Max to help her, and if Eleven stormed in there it wouldn't end very well.

Mike placed his hand on Eleven's shoulder, making her flinch slightly in surprise, "woah, hey, El, Max is gonna be okay, lets go get something to eat from the vending machine." Mike said, trying to make eye contact with her but she avoided his gaze.

Hesitantly, Eleven nodded, but before the two could leave Dustin had gotten up to stop Mike. the two boys looked at each other, one confused and the other still grieving. 

"I need to talk to you." Dustin said, teary eyed and quiet. His tone had immediately made Mike begin to worry and look around to make sure everyone was there. He sighed, believing everything was okay, but he didn't know Eddie was involved with this round of saving the world and that he was the center of the towns hate.

"It can't be that serious, just let me go and-"

"No, Mike," Dustin paused to take a deep breath, closing his eyes to stop himself from crying, "Eddie is.. Eddie's dead."

Mike stared at Dustin, completely shocked and now neck deep in denial. Quickly his confusion became anger, "that isn't funny, Dustin. Don't start saying that kind of shit." He looked at Lucas for an answer, "this is just a sick joke, right?" He turned to Steve, "right?! You guys are just trying to-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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