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Tw: Mentions of rape and abuse.


A d r i a n s p o v s:
I stared at my computer screen, rereading the writing as if it was gonna make me feel any better. My dad had emailed me asking to meet at one of my restaurants, reading the email you would have never guessed that it was my dad. He spoke to me like I was business partner, he became even more distant from me when I took over the Mafia. He didn't like how I was better than him, I'm sure if I wasn't as
powerful as I am he would've killed me by now. I hardly ever see my family, not that I want to. They only hold the worst memories, memories I never went to relive.

I do visit my mother a lot though, it's actually where I was planning on going before my 'dad' decided contact me, completely ruining my mood. He wanted to talk about the Russians. If Alessia thinks I'm cocky then she would loathe my dad. All the people who have told my dad he was wrong, are dead. He's in denial, and is devilishly selfish. I kill people who need to be killed, plus the few annoying ones. Whereas my dad would bomb a whole city, because one person made him mad.

Honestly, I once thought he was schizophrenic, turns out he was just talking to himself in the mirror, and it wasn't like a pep talk, he was more..

'You've killed 235 innocent people today, well done.'

Some Mafia leaders have morals, like don't kill children, don't hit or kill women, don't rape, don't kill innocent people. My dad had none,
I'm certain he's done all the above in his life. Generally, he isn't the type of guy you would want to sit at dinner with, or the type of guy to take job advice from, unless you're asking for a death wish.

I never understood how he got away with as much stuff as he did, I'm surprised he hasn't been assassinated yet. Currently he's in hiding, it's obvious why. He has people from across the world who dream of killing him, I do too. I've attempted several times to track him down, they've all lead to dead ends, I don't know what bewitched him to think I would meet up with him.

Not after what he did.

A knock on the door brought me out of my train of thought.

"Come in" I commanded.

In came one of my most trusted guards, covered in blood. "It's all been cleaned up Don"

"Grazie." He nodded his head and took his leave. Last night was a blood bath. Sandro telling me my father contacted him, arguing with Alessia and my best friends, was a murder scene waiting to happen.

Don't worry I didn't go around killing random people.

Except for that one gu-

Shut up.

I went to the warehouse and killed most of the prisoners there, biker boy being one of them. I had forced them all into a circle, then we played hot potato, literally.

I had heated up a steel ball and threw it at people in the circle, sometimes I would accidentally throw it too high and it would hit them in the head and knock them out, but that only happened 8 times.

It wasn't a pleasant sight, there face would melt off.  The first time it happened I had a laughing fit.

Not my proudest moment.

If they decided to purposely not catch it, they got beat with a hammer.. by me.

Some survived, props to them.

Now these people were far from innocent, some were rapists, others were there because they failed to assassinate me, Marco or Sandro. Some were rats, some had history with my father and were entirely convinced I was hiding  him.

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