Chapter 1 "The Parent War"

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Warning: I do not own these characters. A show called 911 does and it's on fox. It's a really good show and I definitely recommend it.

A/N: Hey so this is my first Wattpad story, so I hope it's not too bad, but me and my friend were making fanfictions together at a sleepover and they actually turned out pretty good, so we decided to post them here. Btw check out 444ismyangelnumber they're story is really good! 100% recommend. Anyways enjoy!

-Bucks POV-

It was 9am and I heard a knock at my door, so I got out of bed and walked down the stairs to see who it was. I opened the door to see Eddie standing there with a red and white striped shirt, and black shorts. You could see all his muscles through his shirt, for a second or 2 I blanked out while I looked at his perfect brown eyes. "Buck?" I heard him say to me in a worried voice. "Oh, uh sorry Eddie I just woke up and I'm still tired I guess," I laughed nervously. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh, I was just here to ask you a favor, I was wondering if you could come over later today, my family is supposed to come over and if things get out of control, I don't really want Chris there watching me and my family fight." I looked at him with a sad face and answered. "Sure of course I'll help you, and if things get tough, I'll also be there if you want to talk." "Thanks buck," Eddie replied. "If you want to come in, you can, we can hang out for a little while today since it's our day off," I suggested. Eddie agreed and came in. While he was there, we watched movies, played video games, drank beer, and talked. I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, he was so kind and gentle I wish he could always be here with me.

After a while Eddie said that it was time to pick up Chris from school, so we hopped in the car and drove to Chris's school. In the car I looked over to Eddie and he seemed really anxious. I guessed he was nervous for when his family came over, I could understand. "Hey Eddie, you, okay?" I asked him and placed my hand on his shoulder while I kept the other on the wheel. "Yeah, I'm alright, just scared for my family coming over, we don't have the greatest relationship." he responded. "Hey, it'll be okay, think about it, after you get this done with, we can just relax and talk, okay?" I spoke. "Okay." He agreed.

After we picked Chris up from school we went to Eddie's house and waited for his parents. "They should be here in 30 minutes." He said breathing heavily. I stood in front of him and stared deeply into his eyes, "Don't worry, okay? I'll be here if things go south." I said in an attempt to make him feel better. His breathing went back to normal, and he thanked me. 30 minutes later his parents arrived and gave him and Chris kisses and hugs. Eddie introduced me to them, and we sat down to talk.

At first things were normal and we were talking about our lives and how we were all doing. After a while of talking, we started dinner, and that was when Eddie's parents started getting rude. At first, they just made a snarky comment on Eddie's job, but not too long after, they started talking about how their hometown is so much better, and that they should come back. This made me angry, and I could see Eddie felt the same. When Eddie's mom wouldn't stop making those mean comments about Eddie's job, and how he wasn't spending enough time with Chris, Eddie started to raise his voice a bit more. That was when I took Chris's hand and put my hand on Eddie's shoulder. "I'll take Chris to my house now, good luck Eds." I said to him. He nodded his head and me and Chris headed toward the door. "Hey! Where do you think your taking Christopher! He will not go with some stranger I just met!" I heard Eddie's Dad say "He may be a stager to you, but he isn't to me! I trust Buck with Chris more than I will EVER trust you with him!" Eddie shouted back. While they were fighting, I covered Chris's ears, continue to the door, and walked out.

Once me and Chris were back at my place, I tried to cheer him up by playing video games and coloring. It seemed to work, and I kept playing with him while we waited for Eddie. After an hour or 2 of waiting, I finally heard the doorbell right and opened it. I saw Eddie standing in the doorway with tears in his eyes. I took him into a hug, and he attached his hands to the back of my shirt and cried into my shoulder. "Chris, why don't you head upstairs and sleep in my bed okay?" I told Chris. He nodded his head and got ready for bed upstairs. I broke up the hug between me and Eddie and we headed to the couch.

"What happened?" I asked. He told me about how he and his parents kept fighting. They kept telling him to move back to El Paso, and he kept saying he was perfectly happy where he was, and he said after a while of arguing, they said that either he had to move back to El Paso with them now, or he would never see them again. So, he chose to stay here.

I looked at him with sympathetic eyes and hugged him once again. "Buck?" He said as he started calming down. "Yeah?" I asked. "Please don't hate me for saying this but...I-," he pauses. "You what?" I asked. "I love you, and not as a friend," he said. I stopped hugging him and looked into his red puffy eyes. "I always have, every time I look at you, I get butterflies...and I don't want this to ruin our friendship, but I have to get it off my chest." He continued. I looked at him with a face of disbelief, this is all I wanted since I first met him, this is the moment I've waited for. " you feel the same way?" He proceeded to ask with a scared tone in his voice. "Eddie... I love you too, I feel the same way." I spoke. "You actually feel the same way?!?!" He said, sounding shocked. I nodded my head and said, "Yes I love you." "So, what does this make us?" Eddie asked. "If you want...we could be dating?" I asked him nervously. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!" I hear him say. He leaned into me and put his warm lips on mine. I leaned into him, and we stayed like that for what seemed to be an eternity. While me and Eddie were kissing, we heard a small voice saying. "I knew it!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!" Me and Eddie immediately broke the kiss. "Chris!?!?!" Me and Eddie both blurted out. "You're not mad about this?" I asked Chris. "No! I love this!!! You're going to be the BEST second dad EVER Buck!!!" Chis said, sounding exited. We all laughed and talked about what the future might look like with me and Eddie together now. After we all talked, we tucked Chris into bed, and walked to Eddie's bed to get some sleep. Eddie put his arm around my waist, and I put my head on to his shoulder "Goodnight Eddie, love you" I whispered to him. "Goodnight, I love you too." Was the last thing I heard from my lover before drifting off into darkness.

A/N: I hope the first chapter was okay, and I probably by now already have the next chapter posted so take a look at that if you enjoyed this part.

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