Chapter 3 "The Beam Break"

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A/N: Hey! Sorry if it's been a little bit since I posted, but I hope this makes up for it! I was tired when I edited this, so it may have some errors in it, but I hope that its good enough for you guys! Enjoy the story!

-Bucks POV-

A week later, me and Eddie's relationship was still strong, if not stronger. We were happy, and nothing in this universe could take that away. Even in death we would still be connected by love. The day after we had told the team about our relationship, we told Maddie, she squealed and kept going on and on about how she knew we were going to get together. 

At work we would try to keep the kissing to a minimum, but we would still cuddle when we got the chance (Especially during movies/shows). The whole 118 was very supportive of us in the past week and everything was perfect. Until "The call" happened.

It was Monday around halfway through a 24-hour shift. Me and Eddie were cuddling on the couch while we watched a movie with the 118, when the bell sounds a quarter into the movie. I jumped up from the couch along with the 118 and ran to get my gear on. Once everyone got their gear on, we hopped into the fire truck and rushed to the scene.

I sat next to Eddie, and by the information we were getting from Caps radio, this was going to be a hard rescue, so I got myself prepared as we sped off into the distance. Once we got to the scene, we all realized just how bad it was. The fire was at a mall, and it seemed that lots of people were still stuck inside. Fire blew from every window and looked like the entrance to the underworld. Everything that we could see was either burned to a crisp or in the process of burning to a crisp. "Buckley, Diaz! Go in and get as many people as you can out! Call on the radio if you need backup," Cap instructed. Me and Eddie got what we needed out of the firetruck and headed inside to the fire.

"Hello!! Is anyone there!" I screamed, while Eddie screamed, "It's L.A. Fire!" We did this over and over again down the hall looking for anyone that needed our help. Finally, we heard a faint "help" from someone to our left and judging by how weak they sounded they didn't have much time left. Me and Eddie rushed to where we heard the sound and we saw a young woman, probably in her 20's, trapped under a beam that fell from the ceiling. "Cap, we found a woman probably in her 20's! She's trapped under a beam! I think we need more equipment to get her out!" Eddie yelled into the radio. "Okay reinforcements coming your way, stay there until they arrive, and then head deeper into the building to look for more people." Cap responded over the radio. "Okay, understood." Eddie responded. We got down on our knees and looked for any wounds on the woman's body. We found one under her ear and we got bandages for her. When reinforcements arrive, we tell them about the wound that we can see, and then head deeper into the burning building.

"Eddie, do you hear that?" I whispered to Eddie hearing a cracking sound. "Yeah I-" Eddie gets cut off by a huge beam falling out of the ceiling. I pushed him out of the way and before I could even think, I felt sharp pain on my chest and heard someone yell "Buck!" before I saw black.

I opened my eyes, having felt like a truck had run over me. Light filled the room, for a second I thought that it was heaven, but then I saw Eddie in a chair near the bed I was in. So, I guess I was in heaven after all. "Eddie?" I said in a raspy voice. I hadn't realized how much pain was in until that moment. Eddie slowly opened his eyes and responded, "Buck? Buck!" He sprung up from his chair and practically jumped onto me and hugged me. "Ow!" I responded to his sudden hug. "Sorry, sorry," Eddie said apologetically. "It's fine babe. You don't need to apologize." Silence filled the room for a few seconds, before Eddie sat back down in his chair with a worried look on his face. "Why?" Eddie said questioningly. "Why what?" I responded. "Why did you push me out of the way? I would have taken the hit for you!" He said with anger and sadness in his voice. "Well either way we would still be in the hospital, it would just be the other way around. I made the choice to save you, so don't blame yourself, okay?" I spoke. "Yeah okay, but next time how about you push yourself out of the way too?" He said with a grin. "Haha I'll try, but hopefully there won't be a next time." I said as he bent over and kissed me.

"Evan!?" I heard from the doorway. Eddie breaks the kiss and we both look over to the doorway. "Mom, dad?!" I said shocked. What are they doing here? They never bothered to visit me in the hospital before when I was hurt, so why now? "Why did you kiss that man?!" My dad shouted. I stared at them, unable to answer. "Because he loves me," I heard Eddie speak up. "Impossible! No child of mine is gay! That's a sin!" My mother said angrily. "Do you really care more about the fact that he is gay! He is literally in the hospital! He almost died!" Eddie said back to my parents, clearly angrier than them. "Eddie, you don't need to fight for me, it's okay." I said to him with my voice still raspy. "No, it's not okay! They can't speak to people like that! Especially you!" he said angrily. "No, I mean it's okay because they were just leaving." I said, while I looked at them with hatred. I pressed the button to call a nurse, and a middle-aged nurse came barging through my parents to see what I needed. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I don't really want these people to visit me." I explained to her, pointing to my parents. "Of course, Mr. Buckley," the nurse responded and escorted my parents out, thank God. At least I didn't need to see them while I'm in the hospital.

Eddie sat on the bed and took a deep breath once they left. I put my arm on his back and said, "Thanks Eddie, I really do appreciate you standing up for me." "Anytime, Buck," Eddie responded. "Oh wait, through all of this commotion I forgot to tell the team that you woke up." I laughed. "Well, you better do that," I said smiling. He smiled back and proceeded to tell the team, and Maddy, that I woke up. I enjoyed the last few minutes of being able to be alone with my boyfriend, while everyone was on their way to see me.

When everyone arrived, we all hung out, played games, and talked. Me and Eddie also told them about what my parents did. They all seemed just as mad as Eddie was, and I rolled my eyes. Maddie seemed even more mad than the others. She left the room saying, "she had to call someone," and we all knew that was my parents. After a while with the team and Maddie, they all needed to leave, so we all said our goodbyes, and everyone left, but Eddie. He wanted to stay with me for the night to watch over me, and I wasn't complaining. The rest of the night me and Eddie played board games, played video games, talked to Chris via video chat, talked to each other, and cuddled. He really was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.

A/N: I hope this chapter was worth the wait! I will make another chapter, but it may be a few days before then, so be patient and I hope you enjoyed!

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