Chapter 2 "Telling the Family"

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A/N: Hey! This chapter was really fun to make, and I found it pretty cute and wholesome so if you guys like that you will definitely enjoy this chapter! Enjoy!

-Bucks POV-

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I opened my eyes to see the left side of the bed empty. I realized Eddie must have gotten up to make breakfast, so I sat up and stretched. I lazily tried to comb my hair with my hand, before I got out of the bed and walked to the kitchen.

"Morning babe." I heard him say to me as he was pouring the pancake batter onto a pan on the stove. I had to take a second to remember everything that had happened the night prior. "Morning." I said groggily. I walked up behind him and put my hand on his waist, and my head on his shoulder. "I could get used to this." He said and smiled. "Haha me too." I giggled. After a minute I released him and went to the cupboard to get plates, silverware and cups. "Hey, what cup should I get for Chris?" I asked Eddie. "You can get him the paw patrol one, he loves that show." Eddie responded. "Aww that's adorable!" I said as I took the paw patrol cup out of the cupboard along with 2 white plain cups.

I walked over to the table and placed a cup down at 3 seats, and then walked back into the kitchen to get the utensils and plates. I placed everything down and walked back over to Eddie. "What do you and Chris want to drink?" I asked Eddie. "I'll just have a coffee, and Chris will probably want orange juice." Eddie responded. "Eye, eye cap!" I said jokingly. "Haha, thanks Buck." Eddie responded laughing. I poured myself and Chris some apple juice and poured Eddie his coffee. "Alright everything's ready!" I said joyfully. "Perfect timing, I just finished making the pancakes." Eddie said.

After we put the pancakes on the table along with whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate syrup, we went into Chris's room to wake him up and have breakfast. Breakfast was delicious and was much more fun with Chris there thanks to his amazing sense of humor. After me and Eddie got ready for work and Chris got ready for school, we all headed to the car and got in. I've been kind of worried about telling the team about me and Eddie's relationship, so after we dropped Chris off, I said, "Hey, Eddie?" "Yeah? Is something wrong?" he replied. "Um, kind of, I'm just nervous about telling the team..." I replied shyly. "Don't worry babe, they are very understanding people, and heck they are our family, they will support us no matter what." Eddie replied with confidence although I could see he was nervous too. "You're right, thanks Eds." I spoke.

A few minutes went by, and we reached the parking lot of the firehouse. Me and Eddie both took a deep breath and walked in together. "Morning you two." Cap welcomed us as we walked in. "Morning." Both of us replied. "Hey you guys!" Hen said energetically. "You both look nervous, is something wrong?" Chim asked, sounding concerned. "Uh yeah, do you think we can all talk in private really quick?" Eddie said nervously. "Yeah of course, we can go to my office, follow me." Cap said as we all followed him to his office.

Me and Eddie stood side by side in front of Bobby, Chim, and Hen. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Hen said, in a curious tone. "Uh well, me and Eddie have something important to tell you." I said breathing a bit heavily. Eddie must have picked up on this because he said, "We are very happy about this ourselves, but we understand if you feel differently." "Well spit it out already, you're making me worried!" Chim exclaimed. "Right, sorry." Eddie said. "We're dating!" I blurted out. For a few seconds the room went quiet and still. Finally, after what felt like an eternity Hen said, "pay up," and Chim and Cap sigh in defeat as they gave Hen 20 bucks each.

I could feel the anxiety rush out of my body as I let out a breath of air, I didn't know I was holding in. "Wait, wait, wait. You knew we would get together?!" Eddie said, shocked. "Yeah, it was pretty obvious." Hen said proudly. "I'm really happy for you two! Even though you lost me 20 bucks, it's still so worth it." Chim joked. "Yeah, as long as you guys are happy, we are happy, just keep the kissing to a minimum at work." Cap said smiling. "Alright, alright, deal." I say smiling and cheering with Eddie.

For the rest of the shift, we got pretty normal, easy calls, other than the one where some guy duct taped himself to the wall in his house for a YouTube video. Many other people from the fire station also congratulated me and Eddie on getting together as well. "That went better than I expected." I said to Eddie. "What can I say? I'm always right, I said they'd support us, and they did." He said smugly. "Yeah, yeah." I said laughing. After a moment of silence Eddie said, "I love you Evan," and I responded with, "I love you, Eddie."

A/N: So, this was the last chapter I have done for now, but I plan on making more it might just not be for a little bit though so keep that in mind. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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