Chapter 4 "Start a New"

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A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to write this! Honestly, I didn't feel like writing for the longest time and I got pretty busy with school, so I'm hoping this can at least kind of make up for the long wait! This chapter is about multiple really cute things including Chris! I'm hoping you all enjoy it! 

-Bucks POV-

It was my 2nd day in the hospital. Eddie was sat by my bedside and we both anxiously waited for the doctor to come back with news about my condition. Though I had the feeling that Eddie was more worried than I was. He squeezed my hand tightly and looked at the ground like it wanted to suck him deep underground somewhere. "Eddie, stop looking at me like I'm going to die or something," I put my other hand on his shoulder to try to loosen the tension in the room.

"But you might, I mean, we don't have the results back yet do we?" Eddie spoke up. I turn to look at him only to see deep brown eyes stare back at me worriedly. "Ok, ok I know you're not going to die," He corrected himself. "I'm just worried." We continued to look into each other's eyes silently for what felt like a decade.

"I know, you don't need to apologize, but you don't need to worry, like the doctor said they didn't see any signs of serious injury aside from some wounds that will heal pretty easily, and a possible concussion," I reassured him and broke the silence. Eddie continued to stare into my eyes deeply, but with less tension. Before any one of us could get another word out, the Doctor, who was a young-looking woman with bright blond hair and green eyes, walked into the hospital room.

"Evan Buckley?" The doctor asked. Eddie and I both break eye contact and whip our heads around to stare at the woman.

I answered, "Yes that's me."

"Hello, i'm Dr. Reznick, it l-"

Eddie cuts her off, "Is he going to be okay? Are there any serious injuries?"

"Don't worry Mr. Diaz, I can assure you that Mr. Buckley will be just fine." The doctor informed us and smiled kindly. Eddie loosened his grip on my hand a little bit, and we let out huge sighs of relief. The Doctor continued, "All of your lab results came in, apart from a minor concussion and some wounds which are not infected as of right now, you are completely healthy Mr. Buckley. This could have been far worse you are pretty lucky that nothing major came from this."

"I don't think lucky is the right word, he seems to get himself hospitalized every other day because of stupid actions," Eddie smirked.

"Hey! That's not true at all!" I blurt out playfully.

Still smirking Eddie responds, "Oh is it?"

"It's-" I think about all the times I've gotten hurt, "Ok fine whatever wise guy," I laughed.

The Doctor chuckles and tells me to get plenty of rest, fluids, and TLC while my head was healing from the concussion. She also informs me to keep my more serious injuries bandaged until they healed more, and to keep an eye on how I felt. She explained that I was well enough to leave that same night as long as I still showed signs of good health.

Once the Doctor left, Eddie and I sat in silence for a moment or 2 before, "Do you want to move in with me?" Eddie questioned out of nowhere.

"What?" I questioned back completely shocked by his words.

"Do you want to move in with me? You really shouldn't be alone while recovering from your concussion. I mean you basically moved in already, and I think Chris would really like it, and so would I, an-" Eddie explained, as he got cut off.

"Eddie, Eddie! Of course, ill move in with you! Just stop talking," I exclaimed and laughed.

"Wait you're seriously agreeing? You want to move in?" Eddie looked at me with glint of hope in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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