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I walked into Sebastian's class a few weeks later, finding another card on my desk. I grinned, picking it up to find a new list of songs from Sebastian.

Happy Birthday Anna
She - Ben Abraham
Soul Mate - Flora Cash
So Are You To Me - Eastmountainsouth

I love you,

I looked up to see Sebastian watching me with a grin on his face. When my eyes locked with his, he winked at me before turning back to his desk. I felt the seat next to me knock into mine as Chase slid into his seat, placing a banana on my desk. I turned to him to see a smirk on his face.

"Happy birthday Anna banana."

I laughed as he leaned in to kiss my cheek and I shook my head. "Thanks? Coming over tonight?"

He grinned and nodded, "of course. We all want to see your rich brother's house. You'll get your real gift then."

I leaned over to place my hand on his, "I don't need a gift. Just having friends like you, and finding my family and my boyfriend. I don't need anything else besides that."

He rolled his eyes, pretending to gag at my words as we both laughed, "don't be a party pooper. You'll accept your gifts and you'll say thank you and let everyone fawn over you."

I groaned, leaning back in my seat, "I only like one person fawning over me." With that my eyes locked with Sebastian's once more as he started class.


I turn around in my room when I hear the door open behind me. I see Tyler standing before me with a grin, "Ty!" I quickly wrapped him in a hug as he laughed, wrapping one arm around me, keeping the other behind his back.

"Happy birthday, princess. Clothes your eyes."

I sighed but obliged, closing my eyes as he pulled away from me. I felt him set something kind of heavy on my head. "What are you doing?"

He chuckled, grabbing my arms and turning me away from him. I let him lead me until he stopped, "open your eyes."

I laughed, seeing the small tiara that now sat on my head, "really?"

He shrugged, "fits the nickname, yeah?"

I rolled my eyes, turning to kiss him on the cheek, "yeah yeah. Thank you. I'll be down in a few minutes." He nodded and left me alone in my room and I adjusted the tiara so it didn't fall off. I opened the door to my bedroom to find Sebastian in front of me with his hand raised, "hello there." He grinned, pushing me into my room and slamming the door shut behind me. I squealed as he gripped my waist, turning me quickly to pin me against the wall beside the door, crushing his mouth against mine. I moaned into his mouth as our hands roamed each other's bodies before he finally pulled away. "Sebastian, you're going to knock off my crown."

He laughed, "let me guess, Tyler?"

I giggled and nodded, "it was my birthday present, yes."

"Hmm." He gripped my waist, "move in with me darlin'. Please."

"After graduation." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing a small kiss to his lips as he smiled.


"I promise. You can't stay here. They invited classmates."

Sebastian shrugged, "I know. I'm here to visit with Greg and your dad. Not everything is about you."

I laughed as he winked before pulling away to open the bedroom door for me. I brushed past him down the stairs to where Greg and my dad were in the living room. "Dad. Thanks for coming."

Tobias smiled and hugged me, "I know you want to hang out with your friends, but I wanted to come on your birthday." He handed me an envelope, "you can open this later if you want."

I nodded, "thanks!" I pulled it apart in front of the three of them, thinking it was only a card. Inside the card was a check for far too much money. I glared back up at him and he pretended to be embarrassed and shook his head, "this is too much money dad!"

He shrugged, "it's not. It's to make up for me not being around growing up and everything."

"You don't have to do that. It wasn't all your fault." I swallowed a lump in my throat as I tried not to shed tears now, in front of everyone. He only smiled and pulled me back to him in a tight hug.

"I know. Think about it as an early inheritance. You can use it for buying a house or continuing your education. Whatever you like. It's yours."

I sniffled, pulling away, "actually, I plan on moving in with Sebastian after graduation."

He grinned, "okay. Then start a business. Go on a trip. I don't care what you do with it Anna. It's yours."

"Thank you dad. It really means a lot to me." I left them in the house and walked out onto the back patio to find it lit up with twinkle lights and music playing. "This looks great!" I was quickly greeted by Chase, Lindsey and Tyler along with a couple other people from school. We were soon all drinking and dancing and having fun.

"What is she doing here?"

I turn away from dancing with Tyler to find Hailey and a few other people coming out onto the patio. I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess she heard about the party. Let it go for now." He sighed but nodded and we went back to dancing. After a while, I went inside to use the restroom. When I came out, Tyler and a few people came inside asking me to open presents. I went into the office knowing that's where Greg was with Tobias and Sebastian. But when I approached, I heard giggling. I entered to find Hailey chatting and talking to Greg and Sebastian, obviously flirting with them both. She ran her hand on Greg's arm and he and Sebastian both watched me as I approached her back, "what are you doing?" I grabbed her arm, making her spin around to face me.

Hailey scoffed, crossing her arms, "none of your business. Perhaps you should go back to your boy toy Tyler. I'm talking to the real men in here."

I rolled my eyes, "must be pretty stupid that you can't take care of yourself since you're so desperate to bag a rich husband."

She huffed, pulling her fist back to strike me but Greg caught her arm as she did. "Don't touch my sister. I think it's time for you to go."

She turned to face them both, moving closer to Sebastian, "Professor Stan. You won't let them kick me out, will you?" Her voice was disgustingly sweet as she tried to rub her body up against his before he took a step backwards.

"Actually, it's not my house. Also, I don't know how many times I have to say that I'm not interested. Just because I'm no longer married doesn't mean that I'm not seeing someone." She huffed and turned bright red before pushing past me out of the room. I wanted to go after her but decided against it as Sebastian grabbed my hand. "I never once encouraged her."

I sighed, "I know. She has boundaries issues. Or maybe she isn't used to be being told no. But it doesn't matter. Come out and watch me open presents?"

Him and Greg both nodded and smiled as I turned to lead them out of the office.

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