Pureblood Ball

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One thing that Lynn Prince hated was the annual pureblood ball. She has hated every theme from black tie to house colors. This year's theme was masquerade, hosted by the Malfoys. Being the last Prince alive, Lynn had to go or it could be seen as an act of treason and could disgrace her family name. With her family name being the most important one at the current point of time, this could not happen. With this being said, here sits Lynn Prince. Sitting in an elegant silver silk robe, chuckling to herself doing her makeup as her best friend, Blaise, is throwing things around, looking for his shirt.

"You break anything Blaise and I will sick Kai on you, I swear on Merlin!" Smiling hearing Kai, the medium sized black snake hiss out lifting his head towards Blaise. Giggling at Blaises glare back at the black snake, Lynn sighs, snapping her fingers and Blaises shirt lifts from the ground and lands in Blaises hand, causing him to smile. Blaise puts his shirt on before walking towards Lynn, laying a hand softly on her shoulder and smiling gently at the 18 year old girl he has seen as a sister since they were 11.

"Get dressed, I plan on picking up the ladies tonight and you my dear need laid." Blaise says with his signature goofy grin. Scoffing at his bluntness, Lynn turns back to the mirror before applying a deep red lipstick. Standing up, Lynn ushers Blaise out of the room before slipping on her black flower patterned lace dress with a high slit on the side, adjusting the thin straps and quickly grabbing her silver mask with matte black snakes on it. Securing the mask with magic before calling Kai to become a necklace. Putting a thigh sheath on for her wand and a dagger before checking herself in the mirror. Slipping her black heels with snake looking wraps that swirl around her ankles and all the way up to her thighs, Lynn walks out of her room, she makes her way downstairs to Blaise who smiles up at her with his own silver mask covering the top half of his face.

Holding his hand out for Lynn, he quickly apparates them both to the front doors of Malfoy manor. The door being opened by a house elf, walking towards the doors and seeing that they are ten minutes late. Blaise grins at Lynn causing her to grin back before they both use magic to burst the doors open, getting everyone's attention. Walking down the stairs onto the ballroom floor, they both make their way to Draco, who is also wearing a silver mask to match his friends, who grins widely at his friend's impeccable timing, saving him from another talk with his father.

"Draco, Darling!" Lynn shouts out to her blonde friend. Coming closer to her blonde friend, Lynn sees his father. Pulling Draco into a hug Lynn gives him a nasty glare over Dracos shoulder while mouthing the words "I will fucking kill you." Missing the dark brown haired boy let out a slight chuckle from seeing the beautiful girl mouth that to the, to almost everyone else, intimidating man.

"Father, who is that? The one in the black dress with the snake necklace?" Mattheo lets out looking at his father. Tom Riddle lets out a deep chuckle before looking at his son with amusement shown in his eyes.

"That, my son, is Lynn Prince. I recognize that black hair and those green eyes anywhere. The last Prince alive, the true slytherins." Tom raises an eyebrow at his son, seeing the look on his face. "Why don't you go talk to her? Scare Lucuis, she hates him. But by the look on her face at the moment, you might not need to scare him." Saying before looking back at the no doubt entertaining argument that will happen.

"I fucking hate these stupid pureblood balls, I just wanna be at home. Or better yet at the after party." Lynn groans out to Draco after Blaise leaves to find some girl to flirt with. Draco chuckles before raising his glass to his lips. Lynn pouts before snapping her fingers and has her own drink, a fire whiskey. Downing the drink quickly when she sees Draco's father walking towards them, groaning loudly in distaste, enough for him to hear her.

"Miss Prince, lovely as always. Now back to what I was saying to Draco earlier, I believe that you two should marry Miss Prince. Combine our families once and for all." Draco lowers his head in embarrassment while Lynn looks on in shock, jaw dropping at the utter stupidity coming out of the mans mouth. Grabbing Dracos drink from his hand, ignoring Draco muttering "here we go", Lynn knocks back the firewhiskey before hissing softly. Kai seems to come to life and hisses at Lucius while everyone at the, supposedly joyful and fun, event stops and stares at the scene happening.

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