The Siren

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The strobe lights flashed wildly throughout the magic hosting club, different colors making everyone look differently. The loud music makes the room pulse, quickly giving Mattheo a slight headache. The sign outside read, "Vixen" in a deep red color. He follows his friend Theo through the crowd, almost losing him when he sees a stunning girl, who looks oddly familiar, gripping a pole and dancing sexily for the crowd. The girl's eyes keep scanning the crowd, looking for something. Mattheo focuses back on Theos frame, who is leading him to a private table. He only agreed to come to this club because Theo begged him, wanting him to meet someone, someone who will help with their mission. Quickly making their way to the table, the two boys see Draco and Pansy sitting at the table. Each enjoying a drink, scanning the club, people watching it seems. Mattheo and Theo sit down, grabbing the two fire whiskeys on the table for each of them.

"Your girl was looking for you when we came in, Theo. Pansy and her were dancing a minute ago." Draco shouts over the music with a smirk, watching as Mattheos eyebrows furrow. "Where is she now?" Theo shouts back, ignoring the comment about her being his. Pansy grins before pointing behind the boys. Both Theo and Mattheo turn, seeing the girl who was dancing on the pole earlier, who has now been joined by two other females. All three grinding on each other, the girl looks over to the table again, smiling widely when she sees them finally here. Turning quickly and giving each girl a goodbye kiss, making the crowd cheer, she jumps down and slaunters her way to the table of four.

Sliding her way in the seat next to Mattheo, before raising an eyebrow at the attractive guy. Placing a hand on his chest and pushing him back in his seat, she crawls over him, making sure to brush against him. Settling herself into Theos lap, ignoring Mattheo's surprised eyes, the three others at the table let out a loud laugh.

"You're late, Theodore." says the girl, sliding her hands up his neck and into his hair, tugging softly. Theo groans, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I am sorry love, we got caught in traffic. But I've missed you." The girl looks unimpressed, thinks Mattheo. "I know you have, doll. I would be losing my touch if you didn't" the girl smirks. "So who are you exactly?" Mattheo speaks out, his voice rough. The girl lets out an alluring laugh before answering, "Vixen." Her laughter is cut off when she looks back at Theo, narrowing her golden eyes at him. 

Placing a hand around his throat, she speaks, "Theodore, you only call when you need something. What is it this time?" Theo chokes, making the three others at the table exchange a look. "We need you for the war, Vixen. Please or we will all die." The girl, Vixen, widens her eyes before letting out a furious growl, releasing his throat. "You stupid boy, what have you four gotten into?" Mattheo scoffs before speaking, further pissing her off. "Theo, you said you had someone who would be helpful to our mission. Not some girl." Theos eyes widen in horror, Vixen grins before snapping her fingers. 

All five people at the table feel the familiar feeling of twisting and turning. All four young death eaters fall to their knees when they get to where Vixen wanted them, which is her apartment. Vixen calmly sits at her desk, still dressed in her clubbing clothes. The tiny dark green dress bunches slightly, raising higher on her thighs when she crosses her legs. Vixen waits for everyone to recover, the girl being last, before she speaks. "You have a lot of nerve coming into my club and asking me for favors." Her golden eyes sparkle with delight, her wand clutched in her hand. Her skillful fingers spinning it. 

"Where the hell are we?" Pansy questions with a groan, her head aching. Vixen sighs before answering, "My apartment, the matters you want to discuss are not welcome in my club. Theodore, you knew coming to my club would not be a good idea. Men die there every night for a reason. Yet you brought two other men in there." 

Theo grimances at the look Draco and Mattheo are shooting at him before speaking, "Vixen, I knew that you would be there. They needed to meet you before I tried to bring you in. We need your help." Vixen lets out a laugh, "You want help from someone who is not human? Now you're just being stupid Theo." Draco's eyes widened, "Not human?" 

Vixen smirks, "I am a witch and a siren, so I apologize for the slight headache from the club. My - scent is very strong there." Mattheo huffs out a groan, "You led us to a siren? She could kill all of us." Vixen lets out a laugh, "I won't kill any of you. I quite like you. Why did you need my help, Theo?" Vixen raises an eyebrow before biting her pink bottom lip. Vixen glances at Pansy for a minute in thought before waving a hand to the girl. 

Pansy hesitantly makes her way behind Vixen's desk, letting Vixen pull her into her lap. "Sorry love, physical contact helps calm me. I don't know how you deal with these boys. I kind of feel the need to kill them." Pansy lets out a giggle at Vixen's words, making Vixen smile. "You have no reason to be afraid of me." Theo smiles at his friend, "We need you to hide us until the war. We - don't have a choice in being death eaters. Especially Mattheo here. We want to be good, but not what the order deems good." Vixen smiles, "So I am a safe house?" 

Theo nods his head, his brown hair moving slightly with his nod. "Essentially, the others knew we were going to club vixen, I'm hoping they think you killed us. You're not exactly known for being merciful." Vixen lets out a cold sounding laugh, "Of course I am, the only person I have shown mercy to in my lifetime is you, Theo. Now that includes Mattheo, Draco, and the darling Pansy here. You're making me soft, that is not a good thing." Vixen sighs before continuing, "You can stay here, I have rooms for everyone."

 Everyone smiles at their hopeful freedom. Vixen stands, exiting the room, causing the others to follow her. Walking to her kitchen, she pulls out supplies for dinner. Just some easy pasta, the others take a seat at the island in the kitchen, watching as Vixen glides through the kitchen cooking. Vixen pauses for a minute before snapping her fingers, everyone changing into comfortable clothing. "You guys probably don't want to sleep in clubbing clothes." Vixen shrugs her shoulders now clad in short dark gray shorts and an army green crop top. 

Theo brushes his hands down his shirt, looking for a conversation starter, before something flashes across his mind. "Oh! Vixen, how is the mate thing going? Found them yet?" Vixen tenses, the spoon falling from her hand, before she tenses. "No, I have not found them. I do know that they have brown eyes, brown curly hair, and it is a boy." Theo groans out, "It sucks doesn't it, being able to see them, but not their face." 

Vixen smiles softly before speaking, "I do know one thing though. You know him Theodore." Theo chokes, Mattheo reaching out and patting his back. "What? How do I know him?" Vixen's smile gets larger, "I saw a photo, it actually had you, Draco, and Pansy in the photo. He was in it too but his face is still blurry." 

All four exchange a look, knowing the only actual photo taken with all three of them is with Mattheo, before Pansy speaks, "Can you look through his eyes now?" Vixen furrows her eyebrows before nodding her head in confusion. 

"Well, do it then!" Vixen giggles before turning to remove the pasta from the heat and turning back to the four people in her house, closing her eyes and mumbling an ancient siren spell. Her eyes flew open, turning a liquid silver color, with cat slits in them. Only seeing herself standing in front of her though. She pulls back, gasping out in shock, before locking eyes with Mattheo, who is smiling softly at Vixen. "Y-you?" Mattheo chuckles softly before saying, "Yeah me." 

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