Forced into Love

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Ryder Grince was no fairy tale princess. She would rather be the assassin to kill the king than be the knight in shining armor, fighting for what is right. The damsel in distress was never anything she could ever be. 

She forever hated her family, no matter if they all were on the supposed "dark side" of the wizarding war. She learned at a young age that life was no fairytale, watching her parents kill her brother for falling in love was what truly broke the fantasy. 

But what no one knows but her and her supposed family, is that what truly broke her was falling in love with Isabella Gray. It was the happiest she has ever been in life, watching as Isabella ran through the flower field. Listening to her sweet giggle ring throughout the air, her blonde hair billowing behind her in the wind, the smell of daisies overwhelming her senses. It was wrong, letting herself fall in love with someone so pure, but that did not matter. All the nights spent together, kisses, giggles under the covers, the way Isabella's skin felt under her rough hands, that is what Ryder Grince lived for. 

But that awful day came, the day that Ryder's parents found her in the field, arms wrapped tightly around Isabella's waist, lips pressed against hers, trying to show her the love she so deserved. Ryder knew then, that the world is a place where happiness cannot live. They had killed her, Isabella, the killing curse that Ryder once loved the color off had killed that one person she had ever fallen in love with.

A week later Ryder was engaged to be married to Matteo Riddle. A month after that, Ryder Grince became Ryder Riddle, deadly assassin to her father in law. Never once using the killing curse but using her prefered method, her sword, the one Isabella had gifted to her.

Ryder rubs her right wrist, the name Isabella clearly printed on it under her glove, hidden to everyone but herself. Zoning out at the table, ignoring her lord's words and her so-called husband's glare. Even after three years he still hates me, thinks Ryder with a subtle eye roll.

"Dismissed." Ryder stands first, pushing the double doors open and apperating to her manor with her husband. Heading to the kitchen to cook some pasta, trying to make peace with her husband, she makes enough for him. Her black plated armor shifted comfortably over her skin, hiding the scars and burns from her missions, hiding her tattoos from wandering eyes. 

Hearing the soft popping noise and almost silent footsteps Ryder calls out, "Dinner is in the kitchen if you want." Hearing a scoff from the man, Ryder tenses, listening to his words with slight defeat. "I already ate." is all Mattheo says before walking to his room and slamming the door shut. Sighing softly, the air pushing a stray piece of hair from her face, she places the pasta on a plate and wraps it, placing it in the fridge for him for later. Hoping he eats it because she knows he lied.

She heads to her room, stripping her armor for a tank top and some soft sleep shorts. Brushing her black pin straight hair over her shoulder, she lays down, planning to try and sleep through the night.

Ryders silver blue eyes dart open at the noise throughout the house, its soft, like someone who does not want to be caught. Looking to the alarm clock and seeing the time, "2:13" she stands silently, grabbing her sword and making her way out of her room. Forgetting her armor that covers her scars and tattoos, she creeps forwards carefully towards the kitchen where the sound comes from. Eyes seemingly glowing in the dark, she checks around the corner, chuckling softly at the sight of her husband sitting at the table, eating the pasta she made hours ago with a smile on his face. Lowering the sword to her side, she says, "You know if you add some cheese on top and warm it up, it's better." 

A soft smile on her face, a laugh making its way out of her throat at him jumping slightly. Holding her hands up, sword still in hand, she walks forward, setting the sword on the table and walks to the fridge to grab the cheese and then back to grab his plate. Doing exactly what she said he should do, waiting for the timer to stop and setting it back in front of him. All Mattheo can do is stare at his wife, never actually seeing her body before, the tattoos and scars stand out against her pale skin, making her look like a fallen angel. 

Ryder bites the inside of her cheek before asing, "Why do you hate me?" Mattheo pauses, fork halfway to his mouth, staring at her blankly. He grunts, placing the fork back down on the plate, leaning forward. "I was forced to marry you, all because of you agreeing." Ryder raises an eyebrow before starting to let out a broken sounding laugh. "I never wanted to get married to you. I agreed to nothing. You see I was in love with someone else, my beautiful Isabella." She places her hands on the table, rubbing Isabella's name on her wrist, staring at her beloved sword which also has "Isabella'' written on it. 

Mattheos eyes widened in shock, following her line of sight to the sword with the name. Mattheo leans back in his chair, hand coming up to his face, rubbing down it slightly in disbelief. "Your parents forced you to marry me in hopes it would make you straight?" Ryder laughs loudly at that, hand moving to her daisy tattoo over her heart. " I like both men and women so that did not really work, but they did not know this. At least you are attractive. My parents wanted a princess, I wanted a warrior." Mattheo nods his head at her before double taking at her words. "You're attractive too." 

Ryder chuckles at his words before holding her hand out. "Wanna start again?" Mattheo nods his head, curls bouncing slightly, reaching to shake her hand. "Hi, I am Ryder Riddle, your wife by force, but I would like to at least get along with you." Mattheo lets out a laugh, shocking Ryder slightly, before he speaks, "I am Mattheo Riddle, your husband by force, and I would gladly like to start acting as an actual husband." Both of them smile at each other before continuing to talk throughout the night, not realizing it was morning until the sun came through the manor windows.

That night was months ago, no one expected to see the two actually getting along. Ryder's parents only picked him because they hoped he would be cruel and kill her. Voldemort only agreed because her parents would not shut up, he was afraid of losing his prized assassin. Not knowing that she would have sworn her loyalty to the dark side for her whole life if he had killed her parents.

Watching as her father increasingly gets angrier at the meeting makes Ryder grin. Not noticing that her father has placed a strong spell to hold both her and Voldemort to their chairs. The grin quickly falls when she sees her father stomp his way towards her husband with a vicious glint in his eyes, everyone but four people have left the room. Voldemort and Ryder watch in anger, magically bound to their chairs, as the man walks to the man both of them have come to care about. 

Ryder stands after a struggle with the magic, breaking it down to nothing but ash. "Crucio!" Ryder's father yells, wand pointed at Mattheo, not seeing his daughter jump in front of her husband. Mattheo closes his eyes, waiting for the pain, not feeling anything he opens his eyes. 

Looking in horror at his wife on her knees in front of him, twitching from the pain but not making a sound. Ryder's father grins widely, losing slight focus at the sight of his daughter in pain, he misses her reaching for her sword and getting a firm grip on it. Both Riddle men see her grabbing the sword, grinning when they realize her plan. 

Ryder lets out a pant, "This is -" she groans, eyes flashing dangerously, "-for Isabella." Before bringing the sword up quickly and swiping it in the air, the pain stops, the room goes silent, until a thump is heard. Ryder's fathers head thumps on the floor, body falling to his knees, then falling forward. 

Ryder stands with a groan, ignoring Mattheos comforting hand on her shoulder, she looks up. "That was for you my love, he cannot hurt anyone anymore." Ryder grins, turning her head to Mattheo before dropping the sword and wrapping her arms around him. "You stupid, stupid man. I grow to love you, then you almost die? Bloody hell!" Both Riddle men let out a laugh, Mattheo wrapping his arms around Ryder, whispering into her ear. "I love you too, Angel.

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