Sarcasm at its finest.

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I twirl a piece of my dark brown hair through my fingers, finding the dark green streaks I put in it a few days ago. Bored out of my mind in History of Magic. Groaning softly and leaning forward, my head smacking on top of the old wooden desk, making a sharp thunking sound. Listening to Pansy giggle at me while Theo and Mattheo chuckle. 

I lift my head looking at the two boys, smirking, knowing I am just going to mess with them. "Threesome?" I mouth to the two boys, laughing silently as they choke on air. "Mr. Riddle, Mr. Nott, are you two alright over there?" Professor Binns speaks up, making me shake in silent laughter. "Y..yes sir, we're fine." Theo speaks up, glaring at me in the process. I just smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at them. 

I go back to placing my head on the desk, only looking up when I hear, "Lupin, come with me." I roll my eyes at Snape, standing and gathering my belongings from my desk in History of Magic. I fix my short skirt and knee high socks while I lock eyes with Mattheo and Theodore, winking at the two boys with a smirk on my face. 

"Now Lupin." I hear Snape say with his usual dull tone. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, bowing dramatically at the rest of the class, smiling at Pansy's laughter. I slaunter out of the room, following Snape to wherever they need me to be. I hear footsteps behind me, making me grin. 

Werewolf hearing is fabulous sometimes, the only downfall to being a werewolf is the scars that follow with the transformation. The three scars on my neck stand out to most people, frightening them. I enjoy it though, watching them stutter in fear. We continue walking to what looks to be the headmasters office. 

The footsteps are a little behind us so they won't make it in time for the door. I grit my teeth in annoyance when we get to the door and Snape says the password. I drop down on one knee, beginning to make it look like I am tying my shoelaces. Distraction 101, make it simple. "Lupin, what are you doing? Come on." 

I look up, leaving my shoelaces twisted in my hands, beginning to retie them, before gritting out at Snape, "Go ahead Snape, I'll follow you when I get done. I can walk up stairs. Can you?" I watch as he rolls his eyes, narrowing them afterwards in suspension, I smile innocently up at him, before he begins to walk up the stairs, making my innocent smile fall into my usual mischievous grin. 

I quickly tie my laces, standing and turning my head to the side, beckoning whoever is following us. My grin quickly gets wider when I see Pansy, Theo, and Mattheo following. I step back letting them enter before me, watching as they go to the hidden part underneath the office, before entering myself and climbing the stairs to the office, barging in with a sarcastic smile plastered on my face. I walk my way towards the only chair remaining, looking around the office at the weird objects.

"Miss Lupin, we have a few questions for you." I nod my head at Dumbledore, before rolling my eyes into the back of my head when Snape speaks again. "If you can answer the questions without the usual level of sarcasm." I grin wildly at them before saying, "As long as you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." Snape scoffs while Dumbledore asks, "Where is your dad and why has no one been able to contact him?" 

I inhaled deeply, the grin falling off my face, before answering, "I don't know, I sent him an owl hours ago." Dumbledore sighs before asking me another question, "Has he been drinking again?" I scoff, my chin jutting out when I speak before replying, "What do you mean again? He never had to stop." Snape spoke up with his patronizing tone, "But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?"

 I narrow my eyes, letting out a deep breath from my nose, "Alright how about this? Next time I see him, I'll give him the field sobriety test. Okay? We'll do the alphabet. Start with F -" I pause and raise my middle finger up at Snape, "- and end with U" I point at him after saying this while standing up and storming my way out of Dumbledore's office. 

I storm down the stairs, growling in anger, I go to open the door for me and the other three but it wont open. I pull my wand out pointing it at the door before speaking, "maxima bombarda." Watching as the door explodes open, stepping over the wreckage and making my way to the front doors and going to the forbidden forest. I ignore my friends' calls after me, knowing I am angry and will only lash out at them.

My only thought being, "Stupid fucking grease ball Severus." 

Yes this was inspired by Stiles lol. 

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