The Dare

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The 6th year Slytherins sit in a circle, cups all around, laughter is heard through the common room. Mattheo sits on the couch, raising a red cup up to his lips to take a sip of the string liquid inside. "Riddle! Truth or dare?" Draco calls out to the brunette boy, watching as he rolls his earth toned eyes before answering. "Dare" Draco smirks at these words before speaking in a smug tone. "I dare you to make Mia Black fall in love with you." Mattheo throws his head back against the couch and groans. "Fine." Missing Pansys wide eyed look, knowing Mia would eat Mattheo alive.

See what most don't realize is that the Parkinson family and the Black family are close. Mia Black is a quiet girl, not in any way submissive, and she's incredibly smart. She just so happens to have a very big secret that very few know. Not even her cousin, Draco, knows this secret. Only because they hate each other. Pansy swallows roughly at the group before standing, making her way to her dorm.

Mia Black sits on her bed, reading a book, looking up in amusement at Pansy before slamming her book closed. The smack rings throughout their dorm, making Pansy tilt her head. "You heard the dare didn't you?" Mia smirks at the girl before nodding, a mischievous look covering her face. "I will let it continue because I am bored. Plus, I am being forced to share my big secret with that lovely little group downstairs." Pansy smiles slightly at her best friend since birth, knowing her wicked ways. "You have your fun dear, what they had planned to do to you is awful. Make them pay, love." Mia stands making her way to Pansy, wrapping her hands around her waist, pulling her close. Mia tilts Pansys head down towards her, gripping her chin, before speaking " We will make those men bow before us. You will get revenge against my cousin for him breaking your heart." Pansy smiles down at the black haired girl, pulling her into a hug. Mia smiles into Pansy's shoulder, her only thought being "Let the games begin."

The very next day, Mattheo approached Mia during potions class. Sitting down next to her and smiling, what he thought to be, a charming smile. Mia only looks at him with an emotionless expression, entirely amused behind her mask. "Hi, Mia. I was just wondering what are you doing this weekend?" Mia raises an eyebrow at the boy, "Going to Hogsmeade." Mattheo nods, straining to hide his smirk. "Would you care if I accompany you?" It takes everything in Mia not to laugh at him before she nods her head. She leans close to the boy before muttering, "If you can keep a secret of course." Mattheo looks confused but nods his head. Mia turns away, towards Pansy, and smirks at the girl who only shakes her head with a smile.

A few days pass, the weekend approaches, two different people stare into their mirrors. Both had very different nights, but the same thoughts. Dressed to impress, the only thoughts in their minds being, "Let the games begin." Mattheo exits his dorm, walking towards Mia's dorm, he approaches and is about to knock when the door opens suddenly. Astoria Greengrass exits the room, blushing when she sees Mattheo at the door, looking at her in shock. Mia appears behind Astoria, smirking. "Have a good day, princess. Let me know if you ever -" Mia pauses and bites her lip in amusement at the blushing girl, "- need help again." Astoria blushes harder before taking off towards her dorm, leaving an amused Mia and shocked Mattheo behind. "You're gay?" Mattheo stutters out, causing Mia to laugh. "Bisexual actually, I play for both teams. She is just a revenge hookup, Draco has a huge thing for her. Poor girl, she's a closested gay." Mia sighs sadly before snapping her fingers, the lights turning out in her room, she walks out and shuts the door behind her, making her way towards the stairs. "You coming, darling?" Mattheo shakes his head and follows the black haired girl down the stairs, moving forward and wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulders. "Where to?" Mattheo asks as they make their way towards Hogsmeade, Mia only smirks before looking around. Seeing no one, she pulls Mattheo into an alleyway. "Hold on tight darling." Mia grabs his arm before apperating away from Hogsmeade to Knockturn alley. Mattheo stumbles slightly against a stone wall, looking around confused. "Where the hell are we?" Mia laughs lightly at the boy, before starting to walk towards Borgin and Burkes, Mattheo follows her in confusion at her new attitude. Pushing the door open, Mia smiles, calling out "Mr. Borgin!" A joy filled shout fills the air, surprising Mattheo, before the man himself comes from the back. Holding his arms out for Mia to hug him, which she does, "Little Wolf what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school." Mia laughs, answering with, "Well sir, I just couldn't resist after your last letter. You said you have a present for me?" Mr. Borgin smiles before turning, grabbing something from the table in front of him before turning back around and holding up, "A lighter?" Mattheo speaks in confusion, causing Borgin to look at the boy for the first time, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Mia's eyes light up, reaching forward and grabbing the lighter, "What does it do?" Borgin smiles at the girl who he watched grow up, "Well little wolf, watch." He flicks the lighter, holding a small wooden wolf figure in the air, lighting it on fire. Mia and Mattheo watch in fascination as a fiery figure drops to the ground before standing and howling. "Go on Little Wolf." Borgin smiles at her while Mia changes into her animagus form. A wolf emerging from the clothing on the floor, running forward towards the fire wolf figure. Mattheos jaw drops at Mia's new form running throughout the store. Borgin laughs before turning to Mattheo suspiciously. "Now who are you?" Mattheo looks at him before smirking, waiting for the man to start cowering like everyone else, "Mattheo Riddle." Borgin starts to laugh, loudly, catching Mia's attention. She walks over on her paws, claws lightly scraping against the ground. Sitting down at Borgins feet, ears pushing back when he lays a hand on her head. Teeth baring slightly, she lets out a growl at Mattheo. Borgin nods before turning around. Listening as her body forms back into her human form, Mattheos eyes going wide at her naked form, she quickly gets dressed with a smirk on her face. Borgin turns back around and faces both teens with a smirk, "Does he know?" Mia's gray eyes flash red at Borgin, Mattheo missing it entirely thanks to his confused stare at Borgins smirk. "He has no clue. He will learn in a couple of months though." Mai takes a deep breath before speaking her next words, "Okay Borgin, I have some business to take care of. If you catch my drift, I need to drop lover boy here off at Hogwarts again." Mia reaches forward, hugging Borgin before turning and leaving, a confused Mattheo following after her.

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