Chapter three

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I stand in front of Jonathan on the Wheelers doorstep.  I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"I can't do this."  I admit.  Jonathan rolls his eyes, smiles and bangs on the door.  I quickly turn around in a panic.  Why did he have to do that?

It took a minute before someone opened the door.  It was Nancy.  Her mouth hung open and she ran to Jonathan and hugged him tightly.  Tears filled both of there eyes as they hugged for a long minute.  I smile.  I know how much Jonathan had missed her. 

Nancy eventually pulls away from him.  Her eyes went wild with confusion as Jonathan laughed through his tears.

"I'll explain everything.  Where's Mike?"  He asks in a whisper.  Nancy looks to me with a hopeful smile and then hugs me tightly. 


I hug her back and smile.  I'm glad she likes me so much.  She pulled away after a minute.

"You have no idea how depressed he's been."  She whispers, glancing between Jonathan and I.

"I've missed him."  I whisper as tears burned my eyes.

"Mike it's for you!"  Nancy runs inside and calls up the stairs.  A few seconds later he walked down the stairs and Nancy walks back to the door.

"Who-"  He starts but stops once he sees me.  We both just look at each other for a minute. 

He ran down the rest of the stairs and stopped once he got to Nancy's side.

"Will?"  He whispers. 

Tears come out of his eyes and I smile and nod.  He pulls me into a tight hug which I accept and hug back.  Nancy and Jonathan went inside We just stood like that for a few minutes.  No one pulling away.  No one saying anything.  We were both crying hard now but it didn't matter.  I was with Mike.  I'm finally with Mike again.

He eventually pulled away from me but was still close.  He was still holding onto my arms.  He looked at me up and down a few times.

"You're real?"  Mike asks in a whisper as he tightens his grip on my arm.  I chuckle and look at him.

"I'm real Mike."  I assured him with a smile. 

He didn't say anything, he just hugged me tightly again.  I hug him back and we both cry more.  We stayed like this for a few minutes before we both pulled away. 

"Do you want to go talk in my room?"  He asks me.  I nod and he grabs my hand and lead me to his room.  He opened the door and I sat down on his bed.  He shut his door and came and sat next to me.

"So how have things been here?"  I ask him, trying to start a conversation.

"Here?  Oh things have been fine.  Everything is pretty much the same."  He mutters.  It was silent for a minute before he asked the question, "So what happened?" 

"Oh um...Well you know about my dad.  Or I think you remember.  But anyway.  Jonathan and went home...from the um...from the snowball...and we found my dad holding a gun to my moms head.  He basically threatened us and said if...if we didn't leave with him then he would...he would shoot her.  So I mean...well...well obviously we did but um yeah."  I stutter to get out.  He grabs my hand and hold it.

"I thought I was never going to see you again."  He whispers. 

"You can't get rid of me that easily."  I smile and he laughs.

"Thankfully."  He adds.

"How's the party?"  I ask him.

"Good I think.  I mean they all seem fine.  Max and Jane are together now and Lucas and Dustin are still together."  He shrugs.

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