Chapter six

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*Wills Pov*

Jonathan helped me pick out my outfit around noon on Saturday.

"What about this?" He holds up a grey hoodie.

"Maybe. It just seems basic." I shrug and pull out a light orange, long sleeve shirt. I showed it to him with a questioning look.

"That's the one." He says while hanging my grey hoodie back up. "Now I'm assuming you're planning on wearing jeans because you never wear anything else." He says while opening my pants drawer. I got changed into the green shirt quickly. Jonathan hands me a pair of grey jeans and faded blue jeans. I pick the faded blue ones and put them on quickly.

"Does it look alright?" I ask Jonathan as I put my black sneakers on. He nods.

"Perfect. Now go do your hair or whatever. Mom and Bob said that they'll drop you off. He smiles and ruffles up my hair. I laugh as he leaves my bed room. I follow after him but go into the bathroom instead of his room. I brush my hair, wash my face and brush my teeth.

By the time I was done with everything it was around one. I cleaned up my room a little bit and decided to sketch out a picture. I wasn't sure what it would be of yet but I knew I wanted it to be for Mike.

I wasn't sure how long it had been but there was a soft knock at my door.

"Come it." I call. Bob opens the door slowly and smiles at me.

"Time to go." He says. I jump up from my seat, grab my bag and we walk down the hallway and out of the house.

We both get into the car where mom is already waiting. Bob starts the car and we make our way down the road to Mikes house.

Once we pulled up I saw Mike, Max, and Lucas all in the front yard. I instantly had a sense of daja vu. I took a deep breath.

"We'll be back tomorrow around noon. If you need anything just use their phone and call the house. Alright?" Mom asks. I smile and nod.

"Thanks mom." I say and got out of the car. I walked over to the group and everyone greeted me.

"I'll go with you to put your stuff downstairs." Mike says to me. Then he turns back to the group. "Stay out here in case Dustin comes."

He leads me inside and to the basement. Nothing seemed to have change except the decorations on the walls. I recognized a few of my drawings and smiled.

The couch had a bunch of pillows and blankets on it. So did the floor in front of the couch. I'm assuming that's where we're sleeping.

"You can put your bag over there." He motioned to where everyone else's bags where. I set my bag down next to Max's and we went back outside.

We saw Dustin pull into the driveway on his bike. He put it against the garage as Mike and I got to the group. He walked over and we all sat down in the middle of the yard.

"So this definitely has never happened before." Max laughs while breaking the awkward silence.

"Do you guys want to go to the park or something?" Mike asks the group. Everyone agrees and goes to get their bikes.

"You can ride on the back of mine." Mike smiles to me as we all walk around to the back of Mikes house to get his bike.

"Thanks." I say and he pulls his bike off of the ground.

We all get onto the bikes. I held onto Mikes waist and we left Mikes lawn. We biked for about seven minutes before we approached a park that looked abandoned. I haven't been here before.

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