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Hey everyone!  This is the end of this series.  I hope you all enjoyed it. 


I just wanted to clarify a few things from the series.

•I am not romanticizing abuse/anxiety/depression/mlm or any of that.  This story was just for fun!

•all of the ships that are in this story I don't necessarily ship, it's just for the plot of the story. (Besides Byler obviously.)

If I forgot anything I'll update this but again I just want to say thank you all so much.  I know that this story wasn't as good as the first one.  I may or may not redo this one but anyway.

I can't even stop saying thank you all for everything.  I never would have imagined I would get so much support from writing this.  (It's my dream to be an author!)

I love all of you and hope you all have a fantastic day ❤️.

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