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*10 years later-Wills Pov*

Mike and I sat on our new couch while watching a movie.  We got married two months ago and just bought a house.  We were still trying to get furniture and stuff for it.

I have a job as a teacher now.  Mike works as a software developer.  I don't know what that means but he seems to like it. 

We still keep in touch with Jane, Max, Lucas and Dustin.  Jane and Max are getting married next year.  Lucas is planning on proposing to Dustin soon.

I still keep in touch with mom, Jonathan and Bob.  Bob and mom got married a few years ago.  She seems to be happy with him.  Jonathan found himself a girlfriend when he went off to college.  I've met her a few times, she's super nice. 

I don't keep in touch with my dad.  He's tried to reach out to all of us a few times but we don't accept it.  He figured out that I'm now married to Mike.  I'm worried that he'll find where we live next.  Of course I'd never tell anyone this.

Mike keeps in touch with Nancy and Holly.  Nancy married a man who I've only met once.  Holly is on her way to becoming an author.

Mike talks to his mom every once in a while.  Their trying to med their relationship.  As for Ted, well he doesn't even try to keep in touch.  He see's us on holidays but has no desire to be close with us.  I don't think that's a bad thing, especially with how he treated Mike.  But sometimes Mike will vent to me about how he wishes he had a better relationship with him.

Mike and I have a very healthy relationship.  Sometimes I don't feel like it's real.  It's like something out of a book.  Or a movie. 

Overall I would say that life turned out to be great.  It did take a long time for me to be able to say I was okay.  In the end it was worth the wait.  I got a happy ending.  One I had always wished of.

I always thought that life was a bad thing.  That there was no point to it.  But now I realize that there was a point.  In the end I'm happy.  In the end I'm with Mike.  In the end my hand of cards got better.  And in the end I finally won the game.

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