Chapter four

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*Wills pov*

I got out of moms car then next morning anxiously.  I knew my away somewhat around the school.  It was the same school I used to go to before dad came. 

"Have a good day alright Will?"  Jonathan calls from the back of moms seat.  I laugh and nod.  He returns a smile and they drive off.

"Will!"  Someone calls my name from behind me.  I turn around to find Mike waving to me from the school steps. 

I smile and run over to him.  I run up the steps and sit down next to him.  He smiles as I look around the school yard.

"How are you feeling about being back?"  He asks.

"Fine.  I mean I'm excited but I'm nervous."  I admit.  "Do you want to go with me now to get my schedule?"  I ask him.  He nods and we walk to the office while making small conversation.

He holds the office door open for me and we walk inside. 

"May I help you boys?"  The lady at the front desk asks. 

"Um I'm Will Byers.  Today is my first day?"  I half ask.  I looked to Mike who just smiled encouragingly.

"Right, hold on I have you're scheduled around here somewhere."  She says and digs around her desk.  "Mr. Clark heard you're back.  He put in request for your classes.  Although I'm not entirely sure what the requests were.  You should swing by his classroom he's missed you."  She says and pulls a piece of paper out from a folder.  "Here you go.  Michael will you should him around to his classes?  I'll give you a late pass."

"Yeah that's fine."  Mike says with a slight shrug.  The lady writes something quickly on a piece of paper and hands it to Mike.  Then she hands me my schedule.

"Thank you ma'am."  I say politely.  She smiles and Mike and I leave the office.  I unfold my schedule and read through it.  Mike leans over my shoulder while reading it.

"We have all the same classes."  He says dumbfounded.

"Do you think that's the request Mr. Clark put in?"  I ask him. 

"Probably."  He answers.  "Come on I'll show you you're locker."  He says and grabs my arm. 

He leads me to a short hallway in the back of the school.  He then grabs my schedule and looks at the locker number.  Then he leads me to a locker in the middle of the hallway.

"This is you're locker.  Mine is right around the corner."  He says as he gives me back my schedule.

"Thanks."  I say with a small smile. 

"No problem.  The bells gonna go off in seven minutes so we can get you set up and then we can stop at my locker and I'll put my stuff inside."  He plans.  I nod and open my locker.  He shows me what I'll need for my first four classes.  I organize my locker and backpack and then we go to Mikes locker.

"Does any of the party know you're back?"  He asks me while he opens his locker.

"No I don't think so."  I reply, suddenly feeling guilty.

"It'll be so funny to see their reactions at lunch."  He laughs.  I smile.  He puts his stuff in his locker.

"Alright.  To algebra I guess."  He sighs and I laugh.  We start walking down the hallway.

"Algebra isn't that hard."  I laugh.

"Maybe not to you.  But to me it is!  I mean how do you know what to do for each problem."  He sighs as we approach the door.

"It's just easy to me."  I smile and he pushes open the door.

"Ah you must be Will Byers.  Nice to meet you I'm Miss. Ross."  The teacher says with a friendly smile and puts out her hand.

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