Chapter five

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*Mikes Pov*

My alarm clock went off on the early Tuesday morning.  I sit up without thinking.  I didn't get a lot of deep sleep last night.  I was up and out all night. 

I decided to just get up and get dressed.  The faster this part of the day went by, the sooner I would be able to see Will.  I smiled and walked over to my closet.  I grabbed my navy blue hoodie.  I also grabbed a pair of faded black jeans and a white t-shirt.  I got dressed quickly and put on my black and white sneakers. 

I left my room and ran down the stairs.  Holly was still asleep in her bedroom, so was dad.  Mom made breakfast and Nancy was reading in the living room.  Nancy was finished with high school now but mom makes her drive me because she doesn't trust me riding my bike.  Occasionally she'll let me but it's not the same as it used to be.

I took the plate that mom made for me and ate quickly.  By the time Nancy and I left the house the sun was rising.

Nancy and I rode to the school in a comfortable silence.  I think that's the weird thing about us.  We're always there for each other and we love each other but we never show it unless it's a serious situation.  I wonder how Jonathan and Will act towards each other.  But then again that's a completely different situation. 

Nancy pulled into the parking lot after a few minutes.  There wasn't a lot of people here yet but then again there never is when I arrive.  I thanked Nancy and she tells me to have a good day as I shut my door with a small smile.  I walked over to the staircase where I usually wait for Will and sat down.  I played around with the straps on my backpack before I noticed a familiar green car pull into the parking lot. 

Will gets out of the car but talks to Jonathan for a minute before closing the door and walking over to me.  It doesn't take long before he walks up the steps and sits next to me.  He wore a black hoodie with blue jeans.  He looked anxious.  Really anxious.

"Hey are you okay?"  Was the first thing I ask him.  He just nods without answering me.  I sigh and he bites his lip.

"Well you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.  But you can talk to me."  I assured him.  He gave me a grateful smile but didn't say anything. 

It was quiet until Max and Jane pulled up on their bikes.  They ran up the steps and sat below us. 

"What's up losers?"  Max smiles. 

"Wow you guys are actually early for once."  I reply sarcastically.

"Oh ha ha."  Jane says just as sarcastic.  Max laughs and I roll my eyes.

We talk about random things for about three minutes and then Lucas and Dustin show up.  They locked their bikes up and came to sit with us. 

"Can you guys settle an argument for us."  Dustin asks and Lucas rolls his eyes.

"Alright."  Max shrugs.

"Okay so we've been dating for around two years, right?  Well I want to start telling people like our parents but Lucas doesn't want to.  And I respect that but he's so rude about it."  Dustin explains.

"The way you explain it is such bullshit!"  Lucas argues. 

"It's not bullshit!  This is you're whole problem Lucas.  You always think I'm in the wrong and you only care about yourself!"  Dustin shouts and gets up.  He storms off into the building and Lucas is left there shocked. 

Will gets up and goes after Dustin.  I sit there not knowing what to do. 

"Lucas that kind of was bitchy."  Jane whispers.

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