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WHILE WE are walking in aisle of the long hallway, I looked at Khun Vegas, he's wearing a red velvet polo and a black jeans.

Theerapanyakul's blood is really something, from Khun No, Khun Kinn, Khun Kim, Khun Vegas, and Khun Macau. They are all good-looking, that all women and men would lined up just to see these georgeous men.

"Your room will be next to mine.." I snapped back in reality when I heard what Khun Vegas said.

"Khun Vegas?" I asked him confused, because I should have a room in their bodyguard's quarter.

He stopped walking and looked at me, "What? Don't you want it?" He asked me, raising his brows.

I smiled at him awkwardly, "Uh n-no Khun Vegas. I'm okay with that hehehe" I said and laughed nervously.

'Shia, Pete. Are you putting yourself in danger!? Do you want to die early!?'

"Good. So if you hear something suspicious, I'm giving you a permission to enter my room." He said while smiling creepily at me.

I winced, "W-what, Khun Vegas?" I asked him flabbergasted. Err. Would he stop doing that, smiling at me like he wanted to do something to me. He can't lure me.

"What? When you heard something in my room, enter it immediately and check on me if I'm still alive or what." He explained, raising his brows at me.

"Okay, Khun Vegas.." I answered while still looking down because I don't want to make an eye contact with him.

"Alright. This would be your room," He said and opened the red door.

I entered the room and scanned it, it's spacious. It is more bigger than my room in the main family.

"I'll go ahead. If you need something just go down and tell it to Leo, our assistant here in the house." He said and looked at me again just like what he did earlier, scanning my soul like he's searching for something on it.

"Thank you, Khun Vegas." I said and bowed my head.

"Enjoy your stay here." He smirked at me before he bid his goodbye.

When Khun Vegas left, I sighed and release all the anxieties in my body.

God. I'm so fucking stress even I haven't started my work here in the minor family.

I put my baggage in the corner of the bed and immediately jumped in the bed.
God. I feel so tired.

"I miss my bed in the main household.." I sighed and turned around. I looked up in the ceiling, I already miss my friends and Khun No. I'm sure that they are watching series right now, and guessing if the protagonist will be an endgame or not.

I yawned, feeling the tiredness in my body, and closed my eyes until darkness conquered me.

"O-OH S-SHIT. Ughh..." I was woken up by the sudden noise, it was a sound of banging in the wall and a moan?

Wait? Is that Khun Vegas? Is he hurt?

I looked up in the wall clock and saw that it was already 10 o' clock in the evening.

I slept for 6 hours!? That's why I am already feeling the hunger, my stomach is growling right now.

"S-shit..ughh.." I looked in the wall as the banging and moans continue. What the heck is happening!?

"Shia!? Is someone killing Khun Vegas!?" I stood up immediately, panicking if I will check what's happening or I will ignored it.

"Oh, god! What to do!?" I said while walking back and front.

I bit my lip, should I enter Khun Vegas' room?

I nodded, "You should, Pete. You don't want Khun Korn fire you."

"Ohhh. W-what..ughhh"

That's it. I'm going to his room!

I went outside my room and hurriedly open the door next to mine.

"KHUN VEG--as" I was horrified in what I saw..

Fuck! I think... I'm doomed!

I ran outside his room and entered my room. I nervously locked the door as I was still shocked by what I saw.

He's.. oh god! My virgin eyes is not a virgin anymore!

What a lewd action, Khun Vegas!

I just saw Khun Vegas fucking someone... in the mouth. Oh shit.

I hope Khun Vegas forget it. I will beg for him tomorrow so that he will not tell my foolishness to Khun Korn.

In a flash, I kneeled on the floor and utter my prayers, hoping Khun Vegas will not tell it to Khun Korn.

"Dear God.." I was interrupted when I heard knocks in my door..

"Shia!" I jumped in my bed and cover myself of the blanket.

"Ai Pete, open the damn door." I heard Khun Vegas voice as he keeps knocking the door.

"Shit. Please stop, Khun Vegas." I whispered.

My heart beats rapidly as I keep hearing his voice calling me.

"Vegas.." Khun Vegas stopped knocking, "Stop doing that. Let's continue what we are doing."

Thanks to that man because I heard Khun Vegas closed his room's door. I sighed in relief when I don't feel anymore the presence of Khun Vegas.

Damn. I was still lucky, I guess.

I smiled and go back to my sleep again even I am hungry. But, I guess I will endure my hunger.

Infectious Desire (VegasPete Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now