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Warning: Mature content

I WAS woken up by the sunlight that reflected in my room's window. I yawned and looked in the other side of my bed.

I saw Vegas sleeping peacefully. After he opened up to me last night, he said that his worries lessen up a bit.

I smiled while watching his calm face while sleeping... I'm glad that he's now okay..although he still thinking about his mother.

Come to think of it, his father told them that their mother was already dead but I saw her when we went in the amusement park.

Why does Khun Kan said that tho? Why he kept to Macau and Vegas that their mother was alive? What's his reason for that?

I was back in my reverie when I felt someone kissed my cheeks, "Good morning, love..." Vegas muttered, still closing his eyes.

I beamed, "Good morning, Vegas." I greeted him back and kissed his cheeks.

"You're okay now?" I asked him.

"Hmm.."He hummed while nodding his head.

He nuzzled on my neck, "I'm okay now...a little bit." He said.

My forehead wrinkled, "Why?"

"I think..." He moved closer to my ear, "I need sex so that I will be fully okay.." He laughed when he saw my reaction.

"Shut up, Vegas!" I hissed and glared at him.

"C'mon, love.." He laid on top of me and smiled devilishly.

"Look, my canon is always ready to shoot his loads to your asshole.." He grinds his groin on me and felt his manhood poking me.

What the fuck!? I thought he is sad!? Why he suddenly became horny!?

This fucktard! He always find ways to screw me!

"Fuck you, Vegas. You need to go in the office, right!?" I muttered.

I closed my eyes when my body started to react on what he's doing.

"I don't care, I will be late then. We will have alone time right now." He said and kissed my neck.

"I'll let you be on top, love.." He whispered and switched our positions.

Oh my god, what I am going to do with this horny bastard!?

"Please? I want you right now, Pete. I've been busy for the past few weeks. I miss being intimate with you..." He showed me his fucking annoying pleading face.

"Fine...but no intercourse."

"What!? But I want to be inside you." He complained.

I smiled when I imagined what I am going to do..for sure this asshole will reach and call all the saints he knows.

"Not today, love...but this will be fun.. trust me." I whispered and started kissing his jaw.

"Hmm..Pete.." He moaned and guided my head to his neck.

My kisses went down to his neck as my hand traveled to his torso, "Remove your pants, Vegas.." I told him while massaging his abdomen.

He immediately removed his pants and his crotch sprung free.

"Hurry up, love. My dick is waiting for you." He said slowly while looking at me like he's ready to devour me.

Does he think I will let him? It's my time to devour him.

I smiled to him and kissed him hard to his lips.

"S-shit...hmm..P-pete.." I heard him panted while I devoured his mouth.

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