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"VEGAS! Stop it" I shrieked when he continuously sniffs my neck while hugging me. I awkwardly smiled to the people beside us, Macau, Leo and some of the bodyguards.

We are watching t.v in the living room, and Vegas keeps clinging on me like a koala.

"What? Don't mind them, they knew that I'm longing for this for too long, Pete!" He snorted while snuggled his face on my neck.

"Don't worry, P'Pete," Leo said while smiling, "We're happy that we are seeing Khun Vegas like that.."

Macau nodded, "Yeah, like a whipped dog who's sniffing his owner!" Macau jokingly said.

"Shut up, Macau! I just missed my Pete!"

"Miss!?" We all snorted because he's clinging on me 24/7.

It's been a week since we cleared out our feelings and this fucktard won't let go of me.

Even in the bathroom, he still want to go with me. Whenever I will scolded him, he will answered that he was just missed me.

"Vegas..." I bit my lip when I felt that he's kissing my neck.

What the fuck?

"Hmm?" He hummed and looked at me.

"Stop it." I sternly said to him, glaring, because if he will not stop...

I know to myself that I will fucking surrender to him.

"Still sore, love?" He whispered to me.

I glared at him, "The fuck, Vegas!?" I said and removed his arms in my waist.

"What!? I'm just asking. It's been a week since our last." He reasoned out.

He hugged me again, "I want to be inside you again, Pete.." He said with his husky voice.

"Get a room, Phi!" Macau shouted while munching a popcorn.

I slapped Vegas' arms, "Fuck you, Vegas. Stop it. Just watch the series!" I told him.

"Oh please, Pete. Fuck me now!" He said while tapping his lap.

He went near at me and caged me again in his arms, "Pete.. I rather watch you pounding on top of me than a shit series." He uttered and licked my ear.

This jerk! He's doing this on purpose. I stood up, "Where are you going, P'Pete?"

"I'll just go to the comfort room.." I said and stomped my feet upstairs.

After closing the door of my room, I went to the bathroom and washed my face because I felt hot.

I don't know why, but Vegas is infecting me with his horniness! I am sensitive whenever he was touching me or talk dirty to me. That fucktard! This is all his fault. He keep tainting me, I am no longer innocent because of him.

I sighed and damped myself with a towel. "PETE!" I wrinkled my nose when I heard the voice of Vegas.

For sure, he will go here in one...two...three...

"Pete! Love!" I closed my eyes when I heard the door opened.

"What now, Vegas?"  I asked him and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"Here...let's make love, Pete." He said as he placed the lube and box of condoms in the sink.

"GET OUT, VEGAS! WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled, flabbergasted.

"Pete..." He hugged me and kissed my neck. I felt his hands travelling in my torso.


"Your little Pete wants to be touch, love..." He murmured and ran his tongue in the crook of my neck.

Infectious Desire (VegasPete Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now