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MORNING CAME, I was quietly peeling the apple when I heard Macau groaned. I instantly went to his bed and checked on him.

"Macau? Macau?" I said and gently caressed his arm.

"Phi..." He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I'm s-sorry..." He muttered. I hushed him because he's starting to cry.

"You don't need to say sorry, Macau. It's not your fault, okay?" I comforted him.

"Where's Hia?" He asked me and tried to sit up in the bed.

"Don't force yourself, Macau. You need to rest your body." I told him and guided him to lay in the bed.

"I p-promise Hia t-that I will n-not let anything h-happen to m-me..." He scanned his body, "B-but...look where am I..."

"Hush now, Macau..." I wiped his tears and smiled, assuring him that everything is fine.

"W-where is he?" He asked.

"In the house, he's fixing something..." I replied.

"Is he mad at me?" I shook my head immediately.

"Of course not, Macau. He's not mad but he's worried. You know that he loves you very much, right? He doesn't want you to get hurt." I explained to him.

"But your family's enemies hurt you. I'm certain that your devil brother is hunting them." I joked so that he will not over think anymore.

He laughed a little, "You're right, P'Pete."

He gazed at me, "My brother is a devil...but you still love him, right? You will not leave him, Phi?" He said.

I smiled to him. "Yeah... despite all the flaws of Vegas...I love him and I will never leave him even he will the one who don't want me anymore..." I answered wholeheartedly.

That's my truth. I love Vegas and I will never get tired loving him...even he will be the one who will give us up, I will still fight for us...

"That's good to hear... I'm happy that my brother met you, P'Pete..." He smiled.

"When he first talked about you years ago. I knew that you will play big impact to his life..." My forehead wrinkled when I heard what Macau said.

Years ago? What does he mean by that?

When he saw my puzzled face, "Oh? He doesn't tell you yet, Phi?" He questioned me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still confused.

Macau giggled when he heard what I said, "My brother fell in love to you when he---"  Macau's words was cut.

"Macau!" We both looked to the person who entered the room.

"Hia.." Macau muttered and smiled to his brother.

Vegas immediately went near to us, "Good morning, love.." Vegas uttered and gave me a kiss in the forehead.

He looked at Macau, "How are you, Macau? Does anything hurt to your body?" Vegas asked his brother.

"I'm okay, Hia. I want to go home..." Macau told his brother.

Vegas hugged his brother, "Don't make me worried again, Macau." Vegas muttered.

"I will settled the bill, so that we can go home later." I said. Vegas looked at me and took his wallet.

He gave his wallet to me, "Here, Pete...If you want something to buy, buy it too." He said to me.

Wow, my sugar daddy.

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