Chapter 9: The Horn

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Sometimes Danica wondered why she bothered to make friends at all. Although, if she really thought about it, most of her friends were all loosely related to her in some way. Which was a bit depressing, actually. 

Did Reave count as a friend? Not quite. She spent more time with him these days than Odette or Estelle, but that was to be expected when one was married and the other was... otherwise occupied. 

Danica looked up from the book she'd been reading to squint at Reave across the table. He had the unfortunate habit of muttering to himself when he was reading. She'd never quite been sure if he was reading aloud or voicing thoughts he was having while he read. It was odd, but the habit didn't bother her as much now as it used to. 

She pushed her book on top of his without asking, and he made an annoyed noise, dropping the pencil he'd been spinning between his fingers. 

"Excuse you," He complained, before looking at her book without another question. She smirked and leaned forward to rest her chin on her crossed arms. While she waited for him to finish, her eyes found the tattoo on his neck. 

She reached out a finger and poked it. "What does this mean again?" 

Reave sighed. "Do you really not remember, or are you just being aggravating for the fun of it?" 

Reave could be a grumpy little gremlin at times. Danica thought that might be the only reason she enjoyed his company. 

"I don't remember. Tell me?" 

"It's a list. Estelle, Talen, Aneryn, Genevieve, Aelin, and Rowan. Then the words, 'with the map of the names of those I love, I will never lose my way home.'" Reave said in a monotone voice. "Father said it should be something meaningful. His tell the story of his first love, Mother's tell of her hardships in life. I have had neither yet, so family seemed the way to go." 

"Well, when you do fall in love one day, you can add her-- or his-- name to the list," Danica said, sitting back in her chair. "It's a lovely thought either way. I should get something like that." 

Reave laughed, though it sounded more like a grunt. "This isn't good enough for you?" He tapped his shoulder, where her wyvern tattoo sat on her own skin. 

"Hardly. I want something more than just the symbol of my family." 

"Well, it's still meaningful. You are the Princess of Adarlan. And the Witch-kingdom," Reave finished when Danica opened her mouth to add on. She smirked at him, and he smiled back before turning back to her book. 

Danica was about to say something else when Reave let out a low hum. "Here's something new. The--" 

"Yes, I know, that's why I handed it to you, dumbass," Danica drawled when he started to show her the page. He rolled his eyes. 

"No need to get snappy," He muttered, but took the book back, reading aloud to himself. "Though broken for generations, the Horn was healed using a new medicinal magic through harrowing trials and failures. It currently resides in the hands of the most recent in the long line of Starborn Fae." He looked up. "Well, that's helpful." 

"Not really, I--" Danica cut off when Reave started to smile. "Oh, you were being sarcastic." 

"Yes." Reave sat back in his chair, rubbing his temples. Danica noted with some mild interest that the skin under his eyes was dark. 

"Reave. When did you go to sleep last night?" She asked, sitting forward. Reave shrugged. 

"Maybe an hour after I saw you?" 

"Hmm. And when did you wake up?" 

Reave slouched in his chair, looking annoyed. "A few hours after that." 

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