Chapter 4: The Caged Goddess

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Nyx had always been fidgety. Never able to stand still, never able to stop and listen to anyone long enough to be smart. 

So now, as Katra watched her cousin from the window, all she could think about was how odd it was to see Nyx sitting out in the garden, perfectly still, staring down at something in his hand. Not one muscle twitched. No bouncing leg, no tapping fingers, no stretching wings. It was a little disturbing. 

"He's looking at that ring again, isn't he?" Katra jumped at her sister's voice, leaning away from her as Artemis poked her head above Katra's shoulder to squint out the window. 

"Is that what it is?" Katra asked. "I thought it was a necklace." 

Artemis rolled her eyes, straightening. "It's a ring on a chain, so we're both right. And yes, he's staring at it again." 

Katra bit her lip. Though she knew the whole story now, she still felt so out of the loop. She didn't like it. "What was she like? Aelin's daughter?" 

Artemis laughed, which surprised Katra. "Oh, Kat, you'd have loved her. Literally one of the first things she ever said to me was 'oh, fuck.'" 

Katra didn't see the humor in the curse. "I don't get it." 

Artemis smirked, but her eyes were still on Nyx. "She was... Mother above, she was his match in every way, Kat. It was crazy. They balanced each other out, I guess." She sighed, turning to her sister. "I didn't really know her. We barely talked. But she was... brave. Clever. Smarter than Nyx by far, that's for damn sure." 

That made Katra laugh. "I'd have liked to meet her, I think." 

Artemis frowned. "I hate this. More than I can ever tell you. I hate that Aunt Feyre and Aelin are choosing to put him through this." 

"From what I've heard, it's not exactly a choice they like," Katra protested. "They're separated as well, aren't they?" 

"It's not the same." Artemis scowled. "Okay. Let's go get him." She stepped to the side and pushed open the door, letting Katra out first. As Katra walked toward Nyx, he looked up, spotting them. Immediately, he closed his hand and stuffed the necklace into his pocket, standing up to greet them. 

"Are they ready?" He asked, his voice tight. Katra stopped in front of him, taking a moment to answer. 

He just looked so-- different. Nyx had always held himself in a way that made Katra think of a prince. Someone born knowing they were special. And it wasn't like Nyx had ever used that knowledge for something bad. It was more like he'd used it as a defining trait. 

Now, the way he stood reminded Katra of the stories she'd heard of banished kings, royalty with their power stripped away. Someone who'd had something that meant everything to them suddenly taken, violently and harshly. The Nyx in front of her stood with his arms crossed, feet spread apart, a typical Illyrian. But his chin was down, his eyes tired and his lips pulled in a frown, his shoulders tight like he was expecting battle. 

She hated it. And she hated herself a little for not being able to fix it. 

"We're ready," Artemis finally said. "They've called for Drakon on Cretea. He should be here soon." 

Nyx nodded, a short, abrupt movement that was so at odds with his old way of moving. Katra had thought of Nyx as a sort of dancer, moving through life with a fluid grace she supposed came from his mother's artistic view of the world. 

He's changed so much, she thought helplessly. Do I even know him anymore? 

But then Nyx smiled and wound his arm around Katra's shoulder like he used to, pulling her along as they walked back inside. "Why the long face, Kat? Not worried about that bitch goddess, are you?" 

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