Chapter 2

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Sukuna deadpanned at their new "mom", not easily fooled by the lame disguised. Meanwhile, (Y/n) stared in awe at the makeup kit, eyeing up all the materials that were met for his face. "This won't do," Loid said as he let out a disappointed sigh, clearly not pleased. "WHAT?!" Franky exclaimed angerly, having just spent a good few minutes putting on the ridiculous disguise. "Suki... I don't like this one" Anya announced as she pointed at Franky.

"I don't like either of them..." Sukuna grumbled with a deep scowl on his face. "Gah! Kid! Don't touch that!!" Franky exclaimed as he quickly swiped away the lipstick from (Y/n)'s hands. He then turned his attention back to Loid. "How come you can't make me look more convincing, huh?" Franky asked as he glared at Loid. "I have, rather, limited options," Loid said as he started to walk away to rethink his plan.

"Ugh!! I can't believe I volunteered for this!!" Franky complained, quite angered by the results. "Hehe, moron" Sukuna chuckled, amused by the male's misfortune, earning a glare from the adult. "Why you little-" Franky's sentence was quickly cut off by a peanut being shoved into his line of sight. "Do you want a peanut?" Anya asked innocently while doing her best to ignore Loid's internal dialogue.


"Scruffy Head!!" Anya greeted him, having nicknamed him that since day one of meeting him. "Woah! That's a lot of papers!" (Y/n) commented as he eyed the papers with wide eyes. "These are all the files of unmarried women, from city hall" Franky explained as he presented the stack of papers to Loid. "You stooped so low as to shop for a wife, how prude" Sukuna scoffed while eyeing the papers up and down with a look of distaste.

"Well... If you put it that way, I suppose he is, but he'll have to look hard. Finding a woman who will marry him in less than 48 hours, doesn't care for his divorce, and has three kids will be hard" Franky said with a slight frown. "Who are you to comment on his love life when you have none?" Sukuna pointed out. "I'll have you know, I can get a date just fine!!" Franky exclaimed, accidentally scaring Anya.

"Hey, (N/n)? Is it bad to have a kid? Are we keeping mamas away?" Anya asked with a look of sadness. "What?! No! If anything, you will bring mamas to us!" (Y/n) said dramatically, while cupping her cheeks. "Really?" Anya asked, only to receive a pat on her head from Sukuna. "Yes, now go watch some TV," he told her, with a happy nod Anya made her way to the device.

"Oh! I wanna watch too!!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he quickly joined Anya in watching Spy Wars, leaving the "grown-ups" to talk. "So... How come you don't just marry one of your... 'Co-workers'?" Franky asked, trying his best to keep Loid's secret from the three children. "Because, most of them were caught, plus Sukuna wouldn't approve of just anyone" Loid reasoned, while turning his attention to the kid.

"I don't want some... Women, to bounce into our lives. If I'm stuck with you both, I might as well be stuck with someone I can tolerate" Sukuna grumbled as he picked up a piece of paper from the stack. "You're one scary kid, you know that?" Franky muttered out, earning a smirk from Sukuna. Then his eyes slowly trailed to his two siblings, one of them bouncing in excitement.

"That reminds me... You three need better clothing" Loid said while eyeing up the kid's lack of fashion choice. "This is pointless anyways, might as well do something useful," Sukuna said as he tossed the paper. Allowing it to flutter down to the ground as he got up from his seat. "Anya, (Y/n), we're leaving" he announced, as if he were a parent, instantly gaining his sibling's attention.


"Don't touch my sister, you old hag!!" Sukuna growled at the poor worker, who only wanted to take Anya's measurements. Only to be stopped by Sukuna, who protectively stood in front of her. "Father! Father! This lady is trying to traffic us!" (Y/n) exclaimed while pointing at the lady. Loid let out a sigh, believing the three are just overreacting due to their wild imaginations.

"Let her go Sukuna, she isn't going far" Loid ordered, earning a glare from the male, who didn't seem convinced by his words. "I promise she will be back soon," Loid reassured, which didn't really help much. "I'll go first then!" (Y/n) volunteered, knowing he is sacrificing himself for his sister. "You dumbass! Do you have a death wish?!" Sukuna exclaimed, but (Y/n) didn't listen.

With that, the lady dragged (Y/n) away, while Loid was forced to hold Sukuna back from attacking her. Though, he calmed down when he noticed that they didn't take his twin far. He can easily spot (Y/n) being measured by the lady, eyeing her every move for anything suspicious. Meanwhile, Anya decided to go explore her surroundings, quite bored of just standing there doing nothing.

While the trio was distracted, an unexpected visitor walked into the shop, catching Loid's eye. "Papa!! Look! (Y/n) is so pretty now!! Can I do that too?" Anya asked while happily showing off (Y/n)'s new clothing. "Oh! Hello! I'm (Y/n) Forger!" (Y/n) introduced himself to the stranger. "Idiot, don't introduce yourself to strangers" Sukuna scolded him, while Anya stared up at the guest in wonder.

Suddenly, Anya quickly hid behind Sukuna, confusing him greatly, but also deeply worrying him. Though, before he could ask her, he watched as her facial expressions changed. Her expression went from dread then to looking as if she won a prize, but also staring right at her target. Sukuna sighed, seeming to already know Anya's goal, but had no intention of helping her.

"Oh! Poor, poor me! We're so lonely cuz we got no mama!" Anya cried out dramatically. "Is she our new mom? She's really pretty" (Y/n) added in, though clueless that he's feeding into Anya's plan. "What is this about?" Loid asked, confused by their sudden display while looking to Sukuna for an explanation.

"Well, father, it's just been so... Dull without our mother around," Sukuna said with a smug smirk. "Are you not here with your wife?" Yor asked "innocently". "Um... No, sadly we lost her two years ago, it's just me and my three kids" Loid explained, easily lying to her. Happy her plan had worked, she high-fived her big brothers, with (Y/n) obliviously high-fiving her back, and Sukuna being forced to high-five her.


"Pretend to be your boyfriend?" Loid asked in confusion, having gotten out of the shop just moments ago. "Long story... But, I lied and told my brother that I was in a relationship. I realize it's a lot to ask, but I was wondering if you could come to this party with me?" Yor asked, sounding quite unsure about her question.

"Uh... I don't have any weird ulterior motives! Or anything like that! And I'll find a way to repay you!" Yor quickly added, only digging herself a grave. "How convincing..." Sukuna sarcastically mumbled to himself, while glancing off to the side so as to not roll his eyes. "All I want to do is to put my brother's mind at ease..." Yor admitted while slightly glancing at Sukuna, having heard him.

"Of course, he would go with you!" (Y/n) exclaimed, having accepted the invitation for Loid, looking quite moved by her words. "Wh- You can't just-" Loid tried to talk his way out, only to be cut off. "Uh- Wait, seriously?!" Yor asked in disbelief, earning an exaggerated nod from the kid. She then looked to Loid for confirmation, wanting to make sure he was alright with this outcome.

"I'm sure, though I'd like something from you as well," Loid said, deciding to take this as an opportunity. "It's a long story, but I'd like you to pretend you'd be their mother during an interview" Loid explained, deciding to not go into detail. "Pretend to be their mother?" Yor asked in confusion, white eyeing the kids nervously.

One was a ball of happiness, almost reminding her of a golden retriever, while his twin is glaring right into her very soul. Then, there is Anya, the youngest of the trio, who is shyly gripping Loid's leg. "We live in such uncertain times... And I just want my sweet children to get into a good school. I have to try because it was their mother's dying wish" Loid expertly lied. Yor somehow fell for his lie, having no clue that they aren't even his biological kids. With that, the two set a date for Saturday.

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